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Update on tragedy · 9:41am March 23rd

83 people died, 3 of them are children

🕯 🕯 🕯

Report Teron Gorefiend · 47 views · #tragedy

Tragedy tags. · 3:35am Aug 12th, 2015

This is mostly me just venting.

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Report Snow · 910 views · #Tragedy

you're missing the point / no YOU'RE missing the point / NO YOU · 11:14am Aug 20th, 2017

While driving back from Bronycon I think up stuff I want to write. Why is it always dumb essays instead of beautiful stories? :raritydespair:

Here's something that's probably common sense to a lot of you, but some people overthink it and do it wrong.

Do you know this 80s song? It was kinda (extremely) popular, and has been on the radio ever since, so I bet you've heard it once. It's pretty.

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Report hazeyhooves · 410 views · #tragedy

Tragedy in Moscow · 11:22pm March 22nd

Today Moscow has been subjected to a terrorist attack in Crocus City Mall. About 40 people were killed, bout 100 were injured, People have suffered, families have been destroyed, and all this is not far from where I live. This is really scary guys...

update: over 60 killed.

Report Teron Gorefiend · 39 views · #tragedy

If you are a friend of Viking ZX, you need to check his feed now · 1:21am Dec 10th, 2023

The post Viking ZX made on Nov 20th has been read 1000 times and has 37 comments.
The post he made on Dec 4, which tells how things ended, has been read 67 times and has 2 comments.

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Report Bad Horse · 454 views · #tragedy #irl

About: Malum Prohibitum · 8:33am Aug 9th, 2015

So, seeing as I'm still awake. . . how about some backstory?

Malum Prohibitum, born to two unicorns in Canterlot. He spent much of his youth in Ponyville. When he reached the age of 13, he already had a cutie mark. It was an exclamation mark under a magnifying glass.

So, from the age of 13, Malum attended law school in Canterlot. Then, one day when Malum was 22, an opportunity for a case was given to him. He would ask to defend Equestria's newest Princess.

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Apologies and Bad Tidings · 12:42pm Aug 4th, 2020

I apologize for the delay again on the update of Rise of a new hive but a about 7 weeks ago my grandmother came down with covid. While she is fine and recovering due to not taking care of himself during this pandemic my father ended up also with co-ed and has been in the ICU for the past 3 weeks and has passed away at 3 this morning. He is either rocket jumping with Rick May or punching Hitler in the face.

R.I.P James Stropko the 1 . God speed you glorious bastard.

Report Cloudynight96 · 199 views · #Death #Tragedy

upcoming projects! · 3:12am April 28th

hello!!! this is mainly explaining what I'm gonna be working on soon! ^_%
I'm currently working on an infection au, (called Rotten to The Core) some derpy au stuff, a few muffins stories, and some oc horror stories!!

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Report baihefictive · 48 views · #Tragedy #Horror

My heart will go on. · 1:37am Jul 15th, 2015

This lovely picture was drawn by Foxenawolf over on FA. Yes, Calm also gets art from her, and while that is one of the reasons I got this picture from her, I also have been following her art since 2012 and I've commissioned her in the past (My profile pic is by her as well), and really love her work.

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Regret · 6:05pm Jun 23rd, 2019

So, I a friend of mine was a huge fan of my my story, Roses for the Grave. He really loved my character Femme Fatale and actually had her on waifu status next to Luna. It was a silly, but flattering thing to hear. He was very eager to see where the story would go next.

But now he never will...

Late Thursday night I found out he passed away due to an infection. He had leukemia and during a bone marrow transplant he got infected and didn't make it.

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A Solemn Day For Fimfiction · 3:29am May 10th, 2019

I'm afraid there's not much for me to say, other than tragedy has struck one of our fellow members. If you wish to know more, here's the link.

Report Eddy13 · 197 views · #Real Life #Tragedy #Loss

More death... · 12:17am Feb 3rd, 2017

Today we had to put my dog Buddy down due to internal bleeding. It was hard to let her go but she was in pain. I just wish everyone I loved stopped dying around me.

Report Saffron · 361 views · #death #sadness #tragedy

Liberation Day · 10:31pm Jul 20th, 2015

Today marks the day when the armies of the United States liberated Guam from the Japanese but before that my people suffered greatly.

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Signal Boost for Magnetbolt · 4:38am Nov 2nd, 2018

Turns out one of our own is in pretty dire straights.

In short;
1) A familial cancer situation has driven them into crippling poverty
2) An eviction notice has shown up to make things worse

Right now they have enough money that they may be able to stave off eviction, but if you can, give more.

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Report Nyronus · 285 views · #Tragedy #Signal Boost

Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History Caused by ISIS Supporter · 2:11am Jun 13th, 2016

The worst mass shooting incident in U.S. history unfolded at an Orlando gay nightclub during LGBTQ pride month early this morning. At least 50 people have died, and 53 were injured, when a gunman (who the FBI has determined was an ISIS supporter) opened fire at the club.

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The story that will never come. · 11:15am Oct 22nd, 2017

Back in 2015, I began to write a First Person Chrysalis story where she gives birth to a Changeling filly, but her drones died giving her and the foal their last bit of love, so she would journey across Equestria to give her foal to Fluttershy, to make sure the changelings survive. It was called "With This Last Breath, I Give To You" and it was going to be an Adventure/Tragedy one-shot.

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Report hamcon · 522 views · #Story #Chrysalis #tragedy

I need to grieve... · 10:25am June 7th

As of June 7th today, my grandfather passed in his sleep. Until I feel like I can continue, there will be no updates on any of my projects.


Explosions and Shootings Rock Paris! · 12:26am Nov 14th, 2015

In breaking news that is continuing to develop, over 100 people are now dead following a series of shootings and bombings in Paris, France!

One of the shootings was at a popular concert venue, and witnesses claim that up to 60 hostages are being held inside!

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My father died · 10:50pm Jan 23rd, 2017

My dad died today. I still cannot believe it even though I knew it was coming. It doesn't seem real. Everytime I go to the livingroom where he was I just keep expecting to see him there. I know in my heart ge is dead I just can't accept it I guess. He was tough, lived a year and a half longer than any of the doctors expected. I just thought I would have more time. I guess I was wrong.

Report Saffron · 331 views · #Death #sadness #tragedy

The Day The Sky Fell · 2:12am Feb 1st, 2020

I got inspired from a very vivid and strange dream, and ended up writing The Day The Sky Fell.

Report ibanix · 273 views · #story #oneshot #tragedy
Viewing 1 - 20 of 164 results