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Born In Light, Forged In Darkness Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries. by Jest 510,427 words · 797 · 73
Blog Posts19
234 weeksSilver Clouds with Gray Lining1 comments · 193 views
Good News is, I'm free of Covid. Hail Yeah!!!
Bad New is, I lost my job so while I'm getting back to writing its still going to be slow while I try and find a new job.
Side note if anyone has knowledge on how to work an online job a link would be awesome. Like I would owe you a free commission awesome. -
237 weeksInsult to Injury3 comments · 214 views
So my test results just came back and I am also apparently positive for Covid... DAMN IT!!!
237 weeksApologies and Bad Tidings1 comments · 222 views
I apologize for the delay again on the update of Rise of a new hive but a about 7 weeks ago my grandmother came down with covid. While she is fine and recovering due to not taking care of himself during this pandemic my father ended up also with co-ed and has been in the ICU for the past 3 weeks and has passed away at 3 this morning. He is either rocket jumping with Rick May or punching Hitler in the face.
R.I.P James Stropko the 1 . God speed you glorious bastard.
256 weeks30 Day Challenge #170 comments · 173 views
Favorite song is ...
A tie of 'A Better Way to be Bad.
and 'This Day Aria.
Thanks for putting my story on Read Later.
Thanks for tracking A Pup Named Fenrir!
Thanks for the favorite.
Thanks for the watch!