Luster Dawn is a go! Sorry I have been absent though... · 10:14pm May 21st, 2020
Hello and welcome to a new blog post in a long time. I hope you all remember who I am and what it is I am working on. I've been here a few times only to notice that nobody/nopony responded to my last post about Luster Dawn being in my fanfiction story. So even if you all don't say anything, I will have to go along with this decision. This means I will have to pick up the pace and really start working on my story. I've been slacking off for far too long and now it's time I keep my promise! I
Cheers for the fav on Wielders of Harmony! Glad you liked it.
thank you for the watch
Thanks for the watch!
I hear you're new here. Well welcome to Fimfiction! Make yourself at home.
Welcome to FIMFiction! Have fun!
Welcome to the site of true imagination, where all your dreams (even nightmares) will come true!
Welcome to FIM, hope your experience here is nothing but wonderful. If you need any sort of information we'd be happy to help to the best of our ability ^_^
Thou art on fimfic!
Welcome, welcome to our humble sight!
Welcome to! I hope you have many positive things happen, and that you are successful by whatever meter you choose for yourself!
Hello and Welcome to!