• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

Fimfic Discord chat moderator | Wanna join my personal writing Discord server and chat? Click here!


Thank you again, plus some writing news · 1:31pm Last Thursday

Hey everyone,

Thank you again for all of your support with my recent financial situation. I'm happy to say that I have made enough money to cover my rent for this month, and I've also received a new position at work that has given me a pay raise that, while not massive, will absolutely provide me with some leeway every month. So barring my position being eliminated, I am all set finally. Thank you again, so much.

Now, as for writing, I have some news!

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Report Lucky Seven · 82 views ·

Donation status update · 4:23pm July 19th

Hey guys,

So a few days ago I blogged about needing some assistance with rent for this month. You guys were amazingly generous and helped me raise the $500 I needed so quickly.

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Report Lucky Seven · 167 views ·

Roseluck's Realization status update · 2:13pm July 18th

No, it's not dead again. I'm actively working on the next chapter and have it 1/4 completed. I wanted to focus on some one-shots for a bit, and then COVID and the news with my dog kinda bent me over a barrel and fucked me lol.

But I'm back to writing now, so it'll be here eventually. I will not leave you guys hanging again!

Report Lucky Seven · 139 views ·

Thank you, so much · 8:27pm July 17th

Really, just what the title says. The fact I hit my $500 goal in a single night is just... wow. This fandom truly houses the most amazing and kind people out there.

Thank you so much for either donating or spreading the word, it means the world.

Report Lucky Seven · 69 views ·

I could use some help (Donation blog) · 11:09pm July 16th

Hey guys,

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Report Lucky Seven · 362 views ·

Update on the 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest · 12:54pm July 15th

Hey guys!

So due to some personal issues going on in my life, which have led to some financial difficulties, I've decided to go ahead and extend this contest by one more month to ensure I'm able to actually get these prizes paid out. This will also give you all some extra time to come up with something for the contest and have it posted!

So as of right now, the updated deadline will be... August 31st, 2024.

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Report Lucky Seven · 86 views ·

12 Years · 3:55pm July 11th

So apparently I've been on Fimfic for 12 years.

So I guess this time I'll put a list of my favorite accomplishments each year.

2012 - Joined the site and wrote my first story. It was terrible, but I kept at it and wrote my first successful story, Chaos Theory. That helped me meet my best friend, MissytheAngle.

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Report Lucky Seven · 307 views ·

I helped pre-read a story and you should all read it! · 8:19pm July 5th

Seriously, this story is too dang adorable and you'd be missing out if you didn't see just how cute it is!

The story in question!

Report Lucky Seven · 61 views ·

Saying goodbye. · 12:44pm June 29th

Hey everyone.

So very soon, I'm going to have to say goodbye to my dog. I've owned for her seven long years. She was there before I got married, lived through my marriage and all the grief it caused me, and when I got divorced she was my rock. She never failed to make me feel better by giving me some kisses and wrapping her front legs around my arms. It's her own way of hugging me. She has the cutest little dimple when she gets happy. I've never seen anything like it before on a dog.

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Report Lucky Seven · 215 views ·

My story was scouted to EQD! · 6:51pm June 24th

The post in question!

Thank you all for your overwhelming support on this story! It was definitely one of my favorites to write and I'm glad it seemed to hit everyone's funny bone in one way or another :)

You all have a wonderful week, I'll be back with some more new stories soon!

Love always,