• Member Since 16th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


got money


Overdue Update! · 12:12am May 6th, 2021

Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a little post in regards to Perpetual Torment, and my plans going forward.

I haven't abandoned it if anyone was worried! I think about it everyday and I'm brainstorming different ideas for scenes and routes I'd like to take. I had said in an Author's Note that I wanted to try making smaller, shorter chapters as a way to get more chapters out, which was ultimately me pressuring myself to write, regardless of quality or consistency,

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Report NiceMouse · 369 views · Story: Perpetual Torment ·
Comments ( 5 )
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gotta get the money

how do you get money
edit:thanks for the 100 likes guys
edit 2:thanks for the 101 likes guys

Comment posted by NiceMouse deleted Jul 6th, 2020
Comment posted by Flutterpriest deleted Jul 6th, 2020
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