• Member Since 12th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 5th, 2019


Just a normal brony. critic and writer.

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Remembrance · 11:11am Sep 11th, 2015

Hello my dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

how does one mix seven scenes from different episodes in one story? Why am I smiling about the feelings I get while I try to do this? Why the hell is music always inspiring me to write stories, which might use the "sad"-tag?

All these questions might be answered in my next one-shot:pinkiesmile:

I hope you´re looking forward to it.


Report NightmareShredder · 328 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Thanks for adding "New Neighbor" and "'Cause I Like You, Silly!" to your library. I'm glad you enjoyed them! :raritywink::pinkiehappy:

thanks for joining the Castle of Haxx!
How Haxx are ya?


I was in the mood for some sad stories and came across one from Loyal. I already reviewed 2 of his stories so I thought: "why not?"
The title was "Roar" and your story was in the recommendations. And yesterday was a busy day so I thought yours would be nice and short. Looking back I´m a bit dissapointed at myself because I only gave an outline, what bothered me. I could have been a bit more detailed in my descriptions...
Seems to become a bad habbit... Now I review my reviews :rainbowlaugh:

And if you want to take the time look into "Button Hash" soon... some good horror stuff :pinkiesmile:


1575890 Coolio, I'll keep all of that in mind. :twilightsmile: As for another fic to review, I'd appreciate it if you could review another story I had written, titled "Fade Away".

Oh, and another question. How did you come across "Tears Are Made of Rainbows"? Was it suggested or something?

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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Remembrance · 11:11am Sep 11th, 2015

Hello my dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

how does one mix seven scenes from different episodes in one story? Why am I smiling about the feelings I get while I try to do this? Why the hell is music always inspiring me to write stories, which might use the "sad"-tag?

All these questions might be answered in my next one-shot:pinkiesmile:

I hope you´re looking forward to it.


Report NightmareShredder · 328 views ·

Remembrance · 11:11am Sep 11th, 2015

Hello my dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

how does one mix seven scenes from different episodes in one story? Why am I smiling about the feelings I get while I try to do this? Why the hell is music always inspiring me to write stories, which might use the "sad"-tag?

All these questions might be answered in my next one-shot:pinkiesmile:

I hope you´re looking forward to it.


Report NightmareShredder · 328 views ·

