• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2018


Guess who's back! I'm gonna try to return to my writing.


About Make Your Mark · 5:47pm Jun 8th, 2013

I've decided to stop trying to rescue what I wrote. It's horrid, it's amateur, and it's not salvageable. I'm not going to edit the story. I'm just going to start from the ground up and rewrite it chapter by chapter, starting with the prologue. I should have that up by tomorrow. Apologies to anyone who liked what I had, but I hate it and I need to like what I write or I wind up quitting. Here's hoping the new version will be better.

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Hello Eliyora, nice to meet you!👋😁

did you hear about what happen in new York city shooting and van crash prey for them eliyora

So it is her... Eliyora.
I've never thought I see the day she has an account here.... I am so following her! :pinkiehappy:

I seriously need to pay more attention to whether or not my favorite Brony reviewers are on fimfiction or not. You are awesome Eliyora!!:pinkiehappy: *immediatly follows*

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