Cancelations · 10:11pm Aug 28th, 2015
Okay, I didn't want to do this, but I can't keep fooling myself: The Switch and Cacophony are cancelled. I can't finish them. On the rare occasion I can motivate myself to try and write something, my mind draws a blank. I'm sorry to say that I just don't think I'm cut out for long stories. My mind just stops working on long projects after a while, I guess. I really am sorry to anyone who was interested in seeing either of these stories continue, but I just can't.
2066349 thank you for making it! it was one of the best stories i've read in a while!
Thank you for adding "The Reality I Choose" to your list of favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Parents sure can be stressful. Especially if they're completely bat-wing insane!
Still, I'm glad we had this little talk. It was... interesting.
Thank you very much for the favourite and the support of this silly story, and I hope we can have a few more talks in the future.
- KR
We still wub you.