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- Sometimes, a mare has to do what a mare has to do. And sometimes... Pinkie Pie!JadeCriminal · 1.8k words · 247 3 · 7.1k views
- Equestria: Pocket universe. Somewhat hastily made on the fly. The Mane 6: Interstellar DiplomatsJadeCriminal · 25k words · 24 3 · 2.4k views
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Thanks for the fave on Hour of Twilight! :)
Thank you for the Favorite of Jake and the Kid
Thanks for the Fave of The Song of Syhlex! I greatly appreciate it!
Cool profile pic
80096 Well, I do have this nice crate of TNT right beside me
No, seriously, I hope to keep your interest and I'll do my best to keep it.