• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen April 28th



On me favoriting stories (Offer on hiatus for now) · 6:12am Apr 17th, 2013

Since this seems to have become more of a common practice lately, this is a notice and explanation for anyone thanking (or about to thank) me for a fave.

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Report videocrazy · 472 views ·
Comments ( 312 )
  • Viewing 308 - 312 of 312

Thanks for the favorite on The Queen's Proposition!

Thanks for the fave!

2422685 The premise. I mean, without reading it, there's not much more I can go on without first glances, and for what it's worth you made a good summary.

2422682 ah ok. Then may I ask what looked intersting to you?

2422607 The concept looks very interesting. Though, honestly, I haven't started either yet; I'm just grabbing all the stories I've missed in the last year or so that look interesting, so I can get to them when I have time. I used my Favourites list as both my "Read It Later" and "Tracking" lists, before either of those were a thing.

  • Viewing 308 - 312 of 312
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