• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Massive nerd brony with enough of a screwed up mind to create stories.


Pinkie Pie comes home from playing with her friends and seeks the solitude of her bedroom to rest and recuperate. Though, with the tasks of her daily life satisfied, her subconscious rears its head and brings to light that which she hides away in the recesses of her soul. The task of creating and maintaining a mask for the world to see, is a long and arduous one.

Takes place after the events of Season 3 Episode 3: Too Many Pinkie Pies (You need to have seen this episode before reading).

This is a little one shot commission my friend asked of me for his Nightmare Night fun.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Well, that was entertaining. Poor Pinkie Clones.

It is canon that Twilight Sparkle is a mass murderer, she killed off all those Pinkie Pie clones :pinkiecrazy:

That ending. It felt eerie...

I can see this happening.

Can't tell exactly if this is a clone Pinkie or the real one....I think it is the real one at least...still a bit creepy.

Wow....I loved this story, it was incredible! The nightmares were vividly described, and I felt the emotions there.
Amazing work! ^_^

Poor pinkie clones.
Bad unicorn twily.

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