Oh. My. GOODNESS · 12:33am Mar 14th, 2015
Guess who's story just got a reading!? That's right, it's mine! ( Link )
I give all of my thinks to the wonderful Zeus Mcdaniels!
Guess who's story just got a reading!? That's right, it's mine! ( Link )
I give all of my thinks to the wonderful Zeus Mcdaniels!
Guess who's story just got a reading!? That's right, it's mine! ( Link )
I give all of my thinks to the wonderful Zeus Mcdaniels!
Hey there. I remember you had an interest in my story The Puppeteer before it went on hiatus, so I figured I'd drop by to let you know that I just posted a new chapter for the story. The entire thing has also had a bit of an overhaul to bring it in line with my current writing quality, so I'd recommend you read it from the beginning.
I have spent the last couple of years working on a novel of my own outside of fanfiction, so I have improved since I last worked on that story. I won't be stopping again until The Puppeteer is finished, so I hope you enjoy it.
Hope you've been doing well.
Hey, I don't believe in rushing when you write. Take all the time you need; it's well worth the wait
*Laughs uneasily* I'm afraid I wasn't able wrap up my trilogy by the end of 2020 due to various factors, but if I can manage to post one chapter a month, I can have it wrapped up by the end of 2021. We'll see if I can meet that goal.
Well thanks for writing it ;)
Thanks for your interest in just another gala