• Member Since 6th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 3rd, 2019


This is me about 75% of the time.

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An in-depth look at my stories · 6:12am Nov 7th, 2015

I have come to realize that, when I look at another user's page, I am wary about which stories I chose to read, even if I know I enjoy a particular user's work, because of a couple of reasons. The first is that I don't wish to examine everything in detail, only to be disappointed if I decide that a particular story isn't for me after all. The second reason is that I feel that the traditional descriptions on these stories doesn't tell you what to expect so much as attempt to draw readers in.

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Report Ironskull · 727 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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The year is 2021, the date is November the 27th, and still we wait. Hoping that you are well, and that you will return.

Awaits your return HARDER

1943670 It has been nine weeks since you wrote this, but right now it means a lot to me. It's good to know that there are people who care when I disappear like this. I do believe I more or less promised a specific sort of story. I think you've waited long enough.

*Awaits your return to the site* :fluttershysad:

1719333 Thanks! I couldn't believe it either. It is one of two stories that I have made in which I didn't bother to make a well thought out and meaningful plot, and the other story like that is only one chapter. And yet it featured. What a strange world.

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