• Member Since 7th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2023


Shadows cannot exist with light. Where there is light, shadows spawn. There must be balance. And that burden belongs to me...

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An Extensive Review of The Friendship Games feat. Bubble Butt · 10:47pm Dec 22nd, 2015

Hello, Everybrony!

Once again it is me, RainEStar, with another review! And as you can tell by the title, I’m reviewing a movie this time, not an episode! But as you can also tell by the title, I’m not going to be doing this alone!

Hello, Bubble Butt here. I’m just here to fulfill my quota for attention.

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I'm in a MOVIE! · 8:21am Mar 27th, 2017

Hello, everybrony!

Been awhile hasn't it? College has sucked all my time and creativity, so I haven't been active recently. I'm sorry to say I haven't touched my fimfiction writings in months, I just have too much to do.

But enough with the negatives, I bring good news!

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Report RainEStar · 394 views ·
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Thank you for faving 'My Only Sunshine'! If haven't faved just to keep it on your shelf to read later, and have read the story, consider leaving a comment with what you thought about the story! Most people always have a different take on how things go in the end, and its always nice to get feedback. Also, don't forget to like! I'm only 2 away from 200, and that'll be the most I've ever gotten!

2312154 You're very welcome! You deserve it!:twilightsmile:

Thank you kindly for the follow, it's very kind of you and very much appreciated! :twilightsmile:

Many thanks for the fave on The Iron Horse! I'm glad you're enjoying it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks! :twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked them, and I hope my future writing meets your expectations.

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