• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Jamin P Rose

I write fetish clopfics and other things. Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.


Short Story Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.
Commission Prices:
$10 for the first 1,000 words
$2 for every 200 words after that
Max 3k words
PM me here or send me a dm on discord* (jaminprose)
I will write just about anything except EQG.

*Note: discord has updated their username system, if for some reason you cannot reach me there, please reach out here or join the FimFiction Discord as I am a member there and you can find me in the user list.

Latest Stories


War - FimFetch List · 6:13pm April 3rd

I'm sure some of you have heard about this already, but the owner of FimFetch has decided to release a list of people who are/have/might again write/draw/rp/etc foalcon content. You can find the list linked in this thread. This person started removing foalcon stories from the FimFetch Archive months ago and now has gone too far, basically declaring war on

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Comments ( 264 )
  • Viewing 260 - 264 of 264

"Demons Run when a good man goes to war"

Thanks for faving my story!

The sweetness of the story!

Thank you for adding Fallout Equestria Home Sweet Home to your library what about it did you enjoy?

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 260 - 264 of 264
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