A long figure, garbed in a flowing red cloak, walks the streets of Canterlot in the pre-dawn hours. Their path will take them directly to Canterlot Castle. Their march is slow and steady, only stopped by a chance encounter.
Edited by: Kiernan
Not a parody of "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe.
Edit: Featured 2/27-3/2/2022 Thank you all!!
first to read and review and first to give a thumbs up. personally I love morbid stories so naturally I love this one, there are very few stories like this so I love it that much more. as I read I didn't notice errors so no complains there. good job love to see more. best regards, darkbroney666
I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your kind words.
All I can say is short but sweet. Wasn't too long or drawn out but wasn't so short it was only a paragraph. Wonderful read.
Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it.
Gah! Right in the feels!
Was this inspired by The Loving Reaper? It shure reminded me of it. Great story
Nope, I've not heard of that story, though it sounds like an interesting read.
I enjoyed this. Very wholesome death story.
It's a web comic series. Here's link to it's website if you want to have a look LINK
Thank you. 😁
Oh god my f e e l s, why D:
gahdayumm, right in the feels
Going straight into my favorites folder.
REALLY enjoyed this. Hope to see more "visits" in the future :)
Afterworld ? mde
Much appreciated for that quote.
We learn the most profound things when and where we least expect it.