• Member Since 8th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Anyone can go anywhere if they work hard enough.


Granny Smith built a legacy, she was the matriarch of the Apple Family for a long, long time. She is nigh 200 years old, and she knew that it would come soon.

Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is featured here as a character, what he does here doesn't really spoil anything, but I recommend watching the movie then coming back to read this.

Featured 1/21/23

You already know my friend Fire Hearth has made some audio of this story! Go ahead and check it out (as well as his other readings, they're very good.) Here it is!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Hey Chill,

Great job representing one of the best representations of Death I've ever seen in a kid's film.

I absolutely loved this character, and feel you captured his personality flawlessly. The way he and Granny Smith converse really makes it feel like Smith has led a good, long life and is ready for him, and the contrast with how he treats her gently and kindly as opposed to how he acted towards the more arrogant Puss gives him a really nice range of personality that the movie could only hint at.

Great work, my friend. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Yeah, giving Death a gentler side is fairer given that he had fought Puss in Boots because the legend didn't appreciate any of the lives he had. When encountering the elderly, sick children, and other stuff of the sort, he's gentle, almost welcoming. Death isn't a bad guy, he's just there to help them pass along.

This is quite a good serious short fic. I hope to see more of these instead of the shitposts. They're funny mind you, but this one felt like it held more emotion, more soul than what else you've written.

Good job, and I hope to see more.

Good luck.

Noted, although, I'll have to finish with the rest of the MGR cast, then I might just write some deep stories like this time to time.

In my opinion this story is perfect, it gets everything right, it has accurate representations of both Granny and Death while keeping a tone that flows well with the narrative. All I can say is that I enjoyed this a lot with my final score being a 10/10

I can’t wait to see what tales you have to tell on this site. :pinkiehappy:

Hot DAMN, was not expecting a puss in boots story this soon, none the less with Death. And a pretty damn good one at that.

Something tell me he's not an Alicorn person...

No one lives forever. :)

Agreed. 👍

This was actually kinda nice.

I loved that Death was welcoming and even joked with Granny Smith. Always thought that Death would be nice and comforting to those he visited. Feels bittersweet to read a story like this.

The instant I saw this title, my VERY FIRST THOUGHT was "And the Death Wolf shows up."


For you see, IT WAS ME, DIO!! ALL ALONG!! :pinkiegasp: (I also noticed the profile pic immediately) :trollestia:

You didn't write Granny's epic battle against Death!

But... anime tropes.... old people being badasses... the memes! WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE MEMES!!!

:twilightoops: Spike! What are you doing with Granny Smith?
:applejackconfused: Dang Spike what happened?
:moustache: I'm sorry Twilight spoiled my concentration
:duck: It's alright Precious Scales Granny's gone anyway, you did your best

:trollestia: Why is there a flaming row boat with Granny Smiths body in my dining area?

:pinkiehappy:Granny always wanted a Viking Funeral
:ajsmug: You forgot the Irish Wake
:rainbowlaugh: On to the cider! :eeyup: and the Bag Pipe solo
:flutterrage: Discord stop laughing it's not that funny!


I hear they're the DNA of the soul.

that's good and all, but what do Anime and memes have to do with this story?

11486289 Well, it's already using the meme of crossing Pony with everything... :trollestia:

.... how about you just stop being as overdramatic?

that way you won't get someone like me, but with a much smaller temper, correcting you under the assumption that you're an idiot, when you're just trying to be funny?

I could see this happening in the perspective of granny in my own head cannon.
powerful words well done.

11486401 *Alondro grins in an aside to the audience* He don't know me very well, do he? :trollestia:

This reminds me of my grandmother. One day, I was talking with her and then the next day, we awoke to find that she had passed in her sleep. It hurt, but in the end, we knew her soul was laid to rest.

All i can say is well done.

Neil Gaiman's Death is the best

I’ve seen you in several places, and you’ve been omega cringe every time I’ve seen you. What we see is what you are, so either learn to be less moronic or accept that you do not have much depth.

11488732 Alondro's grin stretches even wider, "Oh I've got a live one this time!"

Granny Smith called out; "Oh, an' Applebloom?"

Applebloom stopped herself and turned to face Granny Smith, mouthing the words; "Yes, Granny?"

Granny Smith smiled, "Ah love ya, Applebloom."

The fact that you managed to make an "I love you" so ominous is a testament to your writing chops.

I like the idea of Death being civil toward those who appreciate their lives and angry at those who don't appreciate an extended lifespan.

Good story.

I can honestly see something like this happening.

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