• Member Since 26th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2024


Just can't get my head out of the clouds.

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Generosity and Chaos · 4:14am Mar 10th, 2015

The utterly amazingly fantabulous Spiritofchaos227 or whom I call Squidge has (after me impatiently waiting) written a story! *Throws confetti*
I highly suggest you check out this master piece! The title says it all; the Lord of Chaos and the Element of Generosity bearer. What could possibly go wrong?

Generosity and Chaos

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Report PastelButtons · 282 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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It's a terribly old story, and an incomplete one at that too, and my writing skills have improved quite a bit over the year. I'm positive that it's in no way a good story which is why I've provoked it's submission, but if you'd still like to check it out (which I can assure may not be worth it) the password is "discord" :twilightsmile:

Can you send me the password so I could read your Discorded Seasons. It looks interesting.

Thanks for the fave, even if it might've been a punch to the feels, :twilightsheepish:

Thank you for the fave:yay:


Squidge, you dork.

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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