
Viewing 1 - 20 of 130 results

SF Rules Apply · 7:36am Jul 12th, 2015

Since I am at heart a science fiction writer, I suppose this makes sense, but here goes. I approach writing in the MLP universe with the same rules I would writing about aliens in a science fiction novel. A writer wants to depict a story's aliens so that they render in the reader's mind as not human. But how can you do this? How would you write a story from a dolphin's point of view, or more pointedly, from a horse's point of view?

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TODAY #33 · 2:59pm Apr 19th, 2018


Second Survey of the Brony Subculture · 10:05am Sep 16th, 2012

Before the two-part finale of Season Two, there was apparently a survey of the Brony subculture. You can read the 33 page report on the results.

The authors of the previous survey have started another one. Follow the link to the survey.

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Report Lithl · 349 views · #brony culture

Milk-Name and Mark-Name · 11:00pm Apr 12th, 2016

As many have noticed, most of the time Ponies have names matching their Cutie Marks, Talents and personalities, if only in an indirect way. This is not a coincidence. It is instead a consequence of the intuition possessed by Pony parents (especially mothers) as to the futures of their offspring, which in turn is due to a subconscious connection with the very weakly eusocial Pony massmind -- which is capable of precognition.

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Report Jordan179 · 781 views · #Culture #Naming

Shakespeare: Original Pronunciation · 6:55pm Dec 10th, 2016


Geocentric Earth Theists and Atheists · 5:35pm Dec 15th, 2013

(Wherein, having tackled Sex, I will now discuss something much less controversial) ;-)

So I was thinking about the issue of religion in Equestria, and beyond it on the whole planet.

There is a concept in TV Tropes called the "Flat Earth Atheist," whose article points out:

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Report Jordan179 · 1,118 views · #culture #religion

Changeling Hive Minds · 5:41pm Dec 27th, 2014

The Hive Mind emerges from a sufficient congregation of Changelings (generally at least a hundred, though this can vary based on the intelligence and communicativeness of the Changelings involved). The smarter and better the Changelings at communicating, the fewer needed for a Hive Mind. The Hive Mind itself is not very intelligent -- it's only about as smart as a smart dog, though it can communicate and be communicated with more explicitly.

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We're a Culture, Not a Costume · 1:57pm Jul 4th, 2019


I'm a victim of cancel culture · 6:05am May 13th

I've entered a writing competition with my story:

TFuture Twilight Is a Bully
Future Twilight returns with more than just a warning.
Bad Dragon · 1.5k words  ·  22  18 · 701 views

The story follows all the rules of the contest, yet it has just been disqualified simply because it was written by me. To be more precise, because I've published foalcon in the past.

I've just been denied up to $150 simply for being who I am.

Hello, cancel culture, my old nemesis.

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Sexual Aftermath of Our Town · 1:24pm Sep 18th, 2015

This came from a comment to a question on a forum. Can't link directly because the forum is NSFW (the Clopfics group):


Do you think Starlight's equalization magic, which is shown to dampen a pony's pronounced character traits down to homogeneity, effects a pony's sexual orientation? Like, to the point of making everypony the same orientation.

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Dragon's Treasure Teas · 10:57pm Feb 1st, 2021

I don't often post about stuff I buy, but this place has had some of the best tea I've ever had, and it's a company made by bronies/anime fans.

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Very Quick Overview of Changeling Caste System · 5:41pm Mar 6th, 2016

Among my Changelings, the Royals (Queen and Princesses) are fertile, the other castes are not. The Queen can bear members of all castes including Royals, but Princesses can only bear members of non-Royal castes. There are also the possibilities of ultra-high-caste male Royals ("Kings" and "Princes") but they are much less common: most Hives don't have any.

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Report Jordan179 · 1,084 views · #Changelings #Biology #Culture

The Decline and Fall of Facts · 4:05pm June 2nd

This morning I got an email from advertising their monthly sale. As I do each month, I read thru the list of non-fiction books for sale.

As I went thru the 156 non-fiction books on sale this month, I felt a growing sense of unease. It wasn't until I reached the last one, Napoleon Hill's Think And Grow Rich, that this unease congealed into a thought: this is not really non-fiction.

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Report Bad Horse · 419 views · #life #culture #sad

On Zebras and Music · 5:30am Jan 8th, 2016

Bookplayer and I were bouncing around some ideas this evening. (Actually, we were talking about which groups in the US it's socially okay to be prejudiced against and which it isn't, but pretend we were being nice people, okay?) Anyway, one thing led to another and we hit on the idea that Zebras should have a deeply entrenched music culture to mirror the African-American contributions to American popular music.

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Are Most Mares Lesbian? · 3:26pm Mar 31st, 2016


I ask this question because I notice that a very common assumption which a lot of fans seem to make is that lesbianism is much more common among the Ponies than among Humans, to the point where Pony mares essentially default to falling in love with other mares. I find this extremely unlikely for several reasons, though the reasons are different based on different assumptions about how Pony sexuality (and especially gender ratios work.

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Report Jordan179 · 1,031 views · #Biology #Culture #Sex

So, we discussed something again on facebook · 9:50am Jul 9th, 2020


Julian pointed me at video

(Transracialism? Ft. Artistic Genius • Aug 17, 2019 by Vaush )

on this I replied:

at 11:32 .... well, I know there is pressure to assign 'biological' higher rank vs 'just cultural' ..but observing how ppl literally scream from 'cultural/psycholoogical' I don't buy this line of thinking ......

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Report Andrew-R · 175 views · #politics #body #mind #culture

Wind and Sky · 9:52pm Jun 29th, 2015

The air was that was so cold that it stung Cloudchaser’s lungs, and so thin that even gasping hard enough to dry out the back of her throat still left her feeling light-headed. Her wings ached, her injured shoulder throbbed, her muscles were seizing in the cold—the moment of transformation was ending. Cloudchaser was a pony again, and the rage of the wind was finally taking its toll on her pony body.

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A Fantastic Quote Concerning Shame Culture · 6:41pm Apr 6th, 2017

This thought-provoking quote was brought to my attention this last Sunday at one of the LDS General Conference sessions, where it was quoted from a 2016 New York Times article on "Shame Culture." I'm sharing it because of its insightful look into why the current "shaming" trend doesn't work, and isn't a basis for a stable society.

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Report Viking ZX · 586 views · #Shame Culture #Quotes

On Pop-Culture Reference Humour in Fanfiction · 11:47pm Jan 29th, 2017

I've been encountering a lot of this in stories that I've been reading lately, so I thought it a good idea to share my observations and thoughts on this particular entertainment device. Basing a story's humour on pop-culture references is a dangerous thing to do, as it can very easily break immersion, alienate readers, and turn an otherwise enjoyable story into an effectively unreadable one. Unfortunately, pop-culture references are extremely popular among novice writers, as it's an

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Pop Ideology and Why it's Easy to Write for MLP · 6:39am Nov 23rd, 2015

[The final section that used to be here is now in my next blog post instead.]

I spent some time going over lists of other TV shows, trying to find ones that I could write scripts for. I found it was very hard for me to think of script ideas for most TV shows. The characters just didn’t suggest stories to me.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,270 views · #writing #culture #character
Viewing 1 - 20 of 130 results