
Viewing 1 - 20 of 328 results

The most political re-post I've ever done. · 3:06pm Jul 6th, 2018

Warning: the following repost contains political opinions focused primarily on the Democratic party in the United States. Please do not continue any farther if you don't want to risk hearing a political opinion you may or may not strongly disagree with.

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Report Charles Spratt · 464 views · #politics

57-43 · 4:45am Feb 14th, 2021

So... 2 failed Trump impeachments that ultimately wasted everyones time. This political clown show never fails to entertain me.

Report TittySparkles · 1,460 views · #Politics

homosexuality can be called a mental disorder · 4:33am Mar 3rd, 2021 - Source is South China Morning Post

China decriminalised homosexuality in 1997 and it was removed from a list of mental disorders in 2001. But in 2021, a court has upheld a ruling that a textbook calling homosexuality a mental disorder is not incorrect.

Chinese government never fails to amaze me with their stupidity.

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Report TittySparkles · 742 views · #politics

On Jetfire2012, the man who tried to kill protestors with a sword · 12:23am Jun 2nd, 2020

So as uncovered by Wootmaster in this tweet thread, a man who is respected in this community, Jetfire2012, took to the streets to defend a bar he kind of liked from righteous protestors using a sword. He locked his account since, but pictures of his tweets explaining this can be seen here. He tried to

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Report SigmasonicX · 574 views · #politics

Thoughts on Rittenhouse trial: A Just Verdict and Rhetorical Nightmare · 11:02am Nov 20th, 2021

I’m no fan of the police, militias, Proud Boys, or most anything right leaning. So, it may come as a surprise that I agree with the Rittenhouse verdict. I am. Rittenhouse was attacked and he fought back. All the evidence points towards this being the case. I say this as an open socialist.

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Report JackofEquestria · 274 views · #Politics

One thing Putin wouldn't expect. · 3:32pm Apr 10th, 2022

If he's serious about nuking anyone who interferes with his oh, so grandiose designs for Ukraine, tell him to bring it. A counteroffensive on the ground would just be a slow burn towards the apocalypse anyway. The white house should just say "hey, nuke us or fuck off". It'd completely throw him for a loop. If he goes through with it, we were already headed there anyway. If he backs down, hey, we avoided the worst case scenario, so...Cool.

Report MellowSoul · 100 views · #politics

Faith in Humanity as a Whole is Dying · 6:04am May 1st, 2017

Considering a lot of the crap people post online, I think it's safe to say that I'm friends with the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum. Now I won't bore you with the crap on politics and why one side is right and the other is full of idiots, but I will say it's pretty much all that Social Media has become.

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Political and power analysis (recursive links to other blogs on this site) · 5:52pm Jul 8th, 2018


Since this apparently has to be said, Kyle Rittenhouse is not the victim and should not be celebrated · 6:16pm Aug 27th, 2020

I think Trevor Noah had a pretty good segment covering the events in Kenosha, directly comparing Jacob Blake being shot with Kyle Rittenhouse.

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Report SigmasonicX · 373 views · #politics

Catching Covid gave me time to think. · 2:31am Dec 10th, 2020

So I've been quiet the last few weeks, and that was mostly thanks to me recovering from Covid. Never mind the fact I did everything I was told from social distancing, to constantly wearing a face mask... I still ended up catching it. It wasn't pleasant, not in the slightest, but sitting in a hospital bed in a rather empty hospital made me start to think and question what was going on. As bad as it was, for me, it was a case of pneumonia which came with a constant shortness of

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Report TittySparkles · 821 views · #politics

So, I asked Google if furries and anti-capitalism has anything in common. · 10:19am Nov 27th, 2019

Answer was ..mixed bag of links.

On a bit more conservative is blogpost called furry-socialism . Interesting blog in general, but somewhat 'too mainstream' for me, when it comes to really question our (not own'ed by us, may be it even shouldn't, at least in usual sense) world.

Another find was more .... revolutionary:

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Report Andrew-R · 298 views · #politics

Can some explain conservative politics? · 12:08am Nov 28th, 2021

Conservative politics from what I've seen is built on a complete lack of empathy for your fellow man. Obviously there's stuff like immigration and abortion and whatnot, which are complicated issues with complex solutions, but then there's really simple shit like raising wages so people actually have a decent quality of life. Wages have been stagnant since 2009, yet they still find a way to blame wage increases for inflation. Inflation's been going up the entire time. They've managed to convince

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Report MellowSoul · 202 views · #politics

A hint of accountability. · 1:22pm Feb 23rd, 2021

By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us.

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Report TittySparkles · 551 views · #politics

Seems transgender surgery is now free for the miltary · 12:44pm Mar 14th, 2021

surgeries for both men and women that add up to $100,000-$200,000.

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Report TittySparkles · 954 views · #Politics

[Political Post] Now More Than Ever... · 4:52am Mar 11th, 2022

I know some folks here are probably sick of me talking about politics, and I can respect that. Which is why you can skip this entry as always. However, I really hope that you do not, as this one is especially important.

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Report Blitz the Dragon · 310 views · #Politics

" Peak everything" (2007) · 11:17pm Jul 30th, 2022

Once upon at time Chatoyance noted somewere on this site, in connection to her Conversion Bureau future stories: "it will be peak everything".

I looked up this exact phrase and book surfaced! Non-fiction, of course .

I like honest books, and this one definitely feels honest enough for me.

As somewhat more math-involved 'spiritual' follow-up you can read

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Report Andrew-R · 146 views · #politics

Ponies and Politics: Who I Think They Would Vote For. Part 1 · 5:37am Feb 10th, 2016

I like politics. I like ponies. I've got nothing else to do right now and nobody reads my blog posts anyway, so... Why not?
(I'm going to try and keep my personal views out of it)

Applejack would vote for Ted Cruz

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Report Arkybrony · 609 views · #Politics

So is this where we are in America · 3:03am Jan 7th, 2021

I thought 2020 was an insane year, but here we are in 2021 and now all of what happened before feels like a prelude to things worse to come. So what happened? Patriots and even Antifa stormed the Capitol building, Discord feeds blow up on all sides of the spectrum and a state of chaos was in full effect. Trump got suspended from Twitter, leaving tons of people upset and confused to why Twitter would ban him during such a climatic point in time, Capitol Police shoot an unarmed woman who

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Report TittySparkles · 1,747 views · #Politics

So is war back on the menu? · 12:10am Feb 27th, 2021

Sure seems like it is. Doesn't really surprise me though, I saw this coming when Biden mobilized troops in Syria within the first few days of his term.

My overall opinion?

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Report TittySparkles · 1,463 views · #politics

Fuck the filibuster · 4:27am Feb 26th, 2021

Not to put too fine a point on it but the senate filibuster is not in the constitution, and these days it only ever serves to derail progressive legislation. Republicans got rid of the filibuster for supreme court nominees to ram through their trio of ideologues, and the remaining filibuster never stopped them from cutting taxes for the super-rich.

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Report R5h · 317 views · #politics
Viewing 1 - 20 of 328 results