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I must write garbage since... · 5:05pm Nov 18th, 2015

I must write garbage since I've seen users on this site with less than five stories with plus one thousand followers. And I have 139 fan fictions with only 400 to 500 followers.

Don't worry. I shall continue to write my poorly written stories with terrible grammar nonetheless. Press onward I shall, even though my horse words are nowhere as known as those fancy plus 1000 follower club.

Report Bendy · 504 views · #bad fiction #fan fiction

Reading ..... · 11:47pm Nov 10th, 2020

The Poly Little Pony volume in parallel with The Prosperity Hoax. I don't think I like contrast shower. But this is what I have .... as reader.

2:30 am locally. Time to get some rest.

Report Andrew-R · 148 views · #fiction #non-fiction #blog

Hello Followers I want to tell you your in for a treat. · 1:00am Jul 24th, 2019

The next story is going to be a hard write and I hope that people know what I'm going to write. I'm finally made it to 100 followers and I hope they still support me because this next fiction is a mystery thriller. I promise you it's going to be some dark, gore, mystery, thriller, very, very dark graphic. Ummm it's going to teen not sure if it will go for a mature? I'm cutting out sexuality bad language. But, I guess I'll see if it needs to be m or not... I'm quitting however, I'm

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In Case You Guys Didn't Know About This Website · 12:12am Jul 21st, 2015

Freelance Writing is a really nifty website that consists of numerous links to various writing jobs and contests. There are even specific search terms for whichever genre you want to break into: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, books, screenplays, even articles for newspapers and magazines.

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WWBP: Connections to Dead Worlds · 11:09am May 31st, 2017

More short fiction. Health's been absolutely abysmal this month, but I'll be back up to it tomorrow, I feel.

Not Safe For GhostOfHeraclitus warning, straight out.

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Report MrNumbers · 592 views · #Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: he-who-reaches-sky. · 9:38am Jan 5th, 2018

There was a tribe that wandered the grasslands, where each member took their name when they had become an adult.

One child asked the wayfinders, one night, as they returned from stalking by the light of the full moon, if anyone had reached the moon, so high in the sky.

No, said one-who-sees-in-darkness. Never, said she-who-leaves-no-tracks.

"Then that will be my name. He-who-touched-the-moon"

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Report MrNumbers · 611 views · #Flash Fiction

On the topic of Original Fiction · 11:43pm Jan 24th, 2018

Should I try writing it? The last time I tried writing entirely original fiction was before I even started writing fanfics. I originally started publishing fics here for practice when the time came around for trying again.

Now, with how well Pony-Me has been doing, I've been feeling pretty confident that I could type out a decent original fic based on the same premise.

Should I try again after failing years ago?


Tardy; Therefore, Flash Fiction! · 12:17pm Feb 26th, 2017

I know I didn't really update anything this week (I pulled around six thousand words out of my hat and spread them across too many different projects), so here's some irreverent, comedic flash fiction I randomly spewed on Discord.

Satan explains that the priest is in Tartarus for touching one too many children and forgetting to mention it during his last Confession.

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Report Door Belle · 721 views · #flash fiction

Stuff, stuff and more stuff... · 4:36am Oct 13th, 2015

So I changed my profile name again....this won't be a common thing. It now matches my Devient Art name so (if you ever wanted to) you could find me by the same name.

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Love-Hate relationship · 3:04pm Apr 18th, 2017

I hate my story.... but I also love it.

I want to finish it but I can't.

Nothing feels right.

I've waited too long to finish it, but I will.

This is punishment for my negligence

Equestria at War

Report Krystal Dusk · 329 views · #writing #fiction

Boosting! · 6:21pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Just taking a moment to signal-boost a fine piece of fiction by one of my writing buddies.

Patchwork Poltergeist's Latest Story is a smoothly written and mature look at a couple I am sure some fans have trouble lending any legitimacy to. It's adult in the grown-up sense, and romantic in a seasoned and realistic way as opposed to the sometimes overwrought passions of younger sorts.

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Flash Fiction Until Regular Posts Resume · 6:55pm Dec 26th, 2016

There are many common depictions of the four horseman, Death, Pestilence, Conquest and Famine. They are nearly all wrong. Especially about the horses.

Death is not a tall, pale rider, though he is the youngest and the tallest of the four. Conquest is not a tall, brutish warrior-Prince, Pestilence is not a green man of oozing sores, and Famine is not skin stretched taut over a weak skeletal frame.

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Report MrNumbers · 997 views · #Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: Piano · 8:44pm May 15th, 2017

Ha ha ha it's end of semester, all my assessment is due, and I've been too headsick to really function for three weeks now, so it's all hit me at once.

The only real writing I've been doing is for assignments. But I'm actually kind of happy with this one, so I thought I'd share it. I am, in fact, still alive.

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Report MrNumbers · 653 views · #Flash Fiction

Inert Gasses · 3:13am Aug 18th, 2017

Dedicated to Scarlet Weather, the Katamari Ball of FimFiction relationships:

There is no mechanism in the body that tells you that you are suffocating from lack of oxygen. Oh, there’s the pressure of empty lungs, the feeling of having too much carbon dioxide in your blood… but if you breathe in an inert gas, you’ll die without realizing what actually happened, or even experience a delirious high. Helium, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide. All downright pleasant ways to go.

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Report MrNumbers · 814 views · #Flash Fiction

Planetside 2 · 6:00pm Oct 6th, 2015

Hey everyone I was seriously maybe thinking about doing a Planetside 2 fiction. I like the idea, but I would really like to know what you guys think. Please leave a message on your thoughts. Thanks.

Report Deathwatch56 · 314 views · #Fiction Ideas

Chapter 3 news · 6:30pm Jan 18th, 2021

I want to work a little longer on chapter 3 a little bit before I post it. The release of chapter 3 is clearly sometime in January.

Report Flora Blossom · 92 views · #fiction #news.

Long time no seeing you! AKA who send me a message? · 5:27am Aug 15th, 2017

Wow, almost a year from my last blog post.
Well, I'm back... kind of...

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Rational Magic · 11:24am Apr 18th, 2021

I basically improvised most of this lecture from memory when talking with DannyJ yesterday, but then I thought, why not blog this, should at least be food for thought. It’s not directly pony-relevant, more like a general topic of discussion which one needs to meditate on when writing fantasy – but that includes ponyfic, so you might be interested.

Assume that you wish to portray a magic system in your fantasy world.

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Report Oliver · 1,663 views · #fiction theory

Experimental Fiction, part 1: A list of experimental pony stories · 8:39pm March 16th

Regidar recently posted a request for links to experimental fics. I decided to just add a bookshelf, Experimental, and list my favorite and my own experimental stories there. (My stories will probably appear first, because I added them last.

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Report Bad Horse · 484 views · #experimental #fiction

Flash Fiction #13--June 2nd 2024---Sunday · 10:39am June 2nd

A Overworked Mare

In a tree shaped library, the resident unicorn, was up late.

Her horn glows- illuminating the wrinkled, ancient pages on her desk.

“Cursed thing.” Twilight said. Her hoove attempting to rub the ache from her eyes.

Turning at the odd thought. Where they...?

"Hmm...they're ok? Yes. Yes. Of course..." She whisphered. And, the night and its moon, streaming in from her window, where her only companions.

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Report BleuBlooms · 24 views · #Flash Fiction
Viewing 1 - 20 of 710 results