Politics are delicate. Any wrong move could spiral into something horrible. Celestia is no novice and knows her way around politicians from other countries. Yet now, when Equestria is slowly nearing a direct conflict with a bordering nation, Taurusia, home of the Minotaurs, she comes in contact with Sombra.
He reveals a great deal of information to her. How he faked his own death. How he influenced the battle against Tirek. How he became King of Tartarus. And now, after finally accomplishing his goal of ruling the forsaken realm of Tartarus, he comes by to request an alliance with Equestria.
All that Sombra truly wants is fame. Whether it be as a hero or a villain, he just wishes his position as King of Tartarus to be known. And so Celestia is given a choice. She can either make him an ally, somepony who could certainly come in handy given circumstances, or reject his offer and make him spread his name in infamy instead.
She makes the only choice she can. She only wishes it was the right one.
Celestia X Sombra fic
Will be heavily comedy with hints of dark elements early on. Later in the story it will be flip around and be mostly dark with some comedy.
Cover Art sketched by me and finished into this master piece by Midnight Sonare
First featured on 6/4/2015!