• Member Since 10th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2020


Everytime you hit the like button on a story, Lumina smiles.


Pony&Wolf Productions made an "Awakening" audio book! · 2:57am Aug 30th, 2019

I am still writing--every day working on something worth presenting to all you out there and I have some projects that I just can't wait to tell you about! Amaranth and the Mountain being one of them.

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Amaranth and the Mountain update · 11:23pm Jan 21st, 2018

So last night I completed transcribing the first draft of Amaranth and the Mountain. For those of you who remember, about 1/3 of the way through the book I started doing all my writing by hand, which is a time consuming method for writing but one that I felt was well worth it. Now that it's complete, I have some actual facts and figures for you guys: work on the first chapter began on March 23rd 2014 (a few months after the first draft of Planet Hell was completed), and work on didn't

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Amaranth and the Mountain--First Draft Completed! · 5:50pm Jul 20th, 2017

Last night, around 9:00 PM PST or so, I did it--I finished the first draft of Amaranth and the Mountain!

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Birthday Live Reading · 5:50am May 8th, 2017

You are cordially invited to attend to a gathering honoring the 26th Birthday of Mr. Solocitizen

On the evening of the 10th of May, beginning at 4:30 Pacific Standard Time, Mr. Solocitizen
will attempt to read through the entirety of his fan fic, Planet Hell: The Redemption of Harmony or die trying

The gathering will be held in Discord, in the general chat channel of his workshop, which can be found on the link provided

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Amaranth and the Mountain (Preview) · 1:18am Feb 11th, 2017

Now that Planet Hell is done, a lot of you have been wondering what's next and when the next entry in the cycle of Eternal Return will come out. To answer those questions, for now I'm working on drafting the final parts of a work of original fiction I'm calling Amaranth and the Mountain, and I won't be thinking much about a return to fan fiction until I at least see the draft done. Since it's going to be a while until I have anything big to announce for either more horse words or

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Delay! Planet Hell will update on December 23rd · 9:57pm Dec 16th, 2016

So, I've been kinda busy with working on my original fiction these last few weeks, so I haven't given the last chapters of Planet Hell the time they need to even come close to shining yet. Needless to say, but if you've been keeping up with the story, you'd know that the next chapter is a big one. As in super important. So I want to make sure to take the time to get it right. I'm going to work on it this week, but I don't have as much done for the update today as I originally thought I

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Seattle's Angels podcast! · 12:05am Oct 31st, 2016

Hey! I'm joining the Seattle's Angels on their podcast right now! Come give it a watch right over here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfLNNAvfqdA]

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Planet Hell returns October 21st! · 10:46pm Oct 7th, 2016

Planet Hell: The Redemption of Harmony is right on track to resume updating on October 21st! And will do so every Friday until the last chapter goes up!

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Journal Entry 11: BattleTech · 6:16pm Sep 29th, 2016

I've been hard at work on the final chapters of Planet Hell, and with making the necessary steps to launch my own business, but when I'm not writing or working, I'm usually painting miniatures.

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Planet Hell: One last delay plus what I've been up to · 11:12pm Sep 7th, 2016

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