• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 24th, 2016



If you haven't read this, you need to · 11:18am Mar 17th, 2015

Fresh from the "it's a crime if this doesn't get featured" list, is the short story Riverdream At Sunset.

It's written as an 1800's period piece, with trappings more than reminiscent of Doyle or Verne and absolutely hits the spot on the whole look and feel.

It doesn't miss a beat and it's quite simply a practically flawless story. Read it now, you will not be disappointed.

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I blame it on Terry Pratchett · 6:53am Mar 13th, 2015

Years ago, at school, I picked up a book. I blame what happened next on Terry Pratchett.

The book was "Guards! Guards!", and its impact has never left me. I voraciously devoured all the other discworld books I could find, loving each and every one. I even tackled pyramids and small gods, where Pratchett's rapier wit skewered organized religion, and found them utterly, utterly fascinating, and quite frankly I think they're some of his best work.

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state of the bunny, 2015 · 6:19pm Jan 2nd, 2015

So it's a new year.

The previous one has passed much like every other one did, with a bang as much as with a whimper. For a while here, it was sodding cold, and I mean real proper brass monkey weather. Right now it's barely below zero, and instead of snow we've got rain and ice. Seriously, I could skate down my driveway.

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"chrysalis vs hearth's warming" may be a little late · 12:20am Dec 26th, 2014

I know, I know: I missed hearth's warming.

Well, I'm still writing my christmas special so you'll just have to wait. I think it'll be worth it...

it features everyone's favourite changeling queen and her endless quest to destroy all love and happiness everywhere - this time by blowing up cinder claws and destroying hearth's warming. And how that doesn't quite go according to plan...

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santa middymas is coming to town · 8:51am Dec 25th, 2014

I made a list, I checked it twice. Not sure to find out how is naughty or nice...

Anywag, the winners of my admittedly haphazard and wonky contest were:

Sypher Magical Trevor
Professor Plum

I'll be contacting them shortly.

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kilopone update · 10:36pm Dec 24th, 2014

ytem the first: I forgot to buy cake. All I have is sponge cake. much wailing and gnashing of teeth to be had

ytem the secondde: I'll be picking a winrar of the previous post (which is still open) a day later than I originally intended because I've actually got people here and don't really feel like trying to sort it all out. The good news is, anyone who hasn't posted still gets to.

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happy hearth's warming · 10:56pm Dec 19th, 2014

EDIT: Contest is over, thankees fer playing! contacting winners now!

It's... so beautiful.

Had some hiccups along the way, but I'm over 1000 followers. Woohoo! Haven't had my cake yet, but I'm gonna be buying that in the mornin'!

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hory sheet son, it's happening · 6:53pm Dec 19th, 2014

Squee! Almost there!

Dammit, I feel like I should give out prizes or something to random peeps on the list :pinkiegasp:

Maybe some of the steam deals. Hmm.

Report Midnightshadow · 528 views ·

how not to flail and fail at fanfiction: XII · 11:11am Dec 12th, 2014

You know, I've got plenty of good advice on how writing should happen - I don't have a way to index these (yet - I could do it manually but I'm lazy) so this might be XI or XIII, but I think it's about right.

The thing is, I find I'm very bad at taking my own advice. So this time, friends, passersby and random click junkies, how about any of you tell me:

Just how do you write?

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An interesting post by Charlie Stross · 8:02am Dec 8th, 2014

I'm tagging out and about in this post because Charlie Stross, author of several sci-fi stories that I really like, just wrote a blogpost about how annoyed he is when, to put it in his own words, sci-fi authors write "Whitebread Middle American Suburbia to the Stars". And that was something I really tried to avoid writing this fic, and it was really difficult.

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