• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 24th, 2016


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  • 488 weeks
    If you haven't read this, you need to

    Fresh from the "it's a crime if this doesn't get featured" list, is the short story Riverdream At Sunset.

    It's written as an 1800's period piece, with trappings more than reminiscent of Doyle or Verne and absolutely hits the spot on the whole look and feel.

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    12 comments · 1,271 views
  • 489 weeks
    I blame it on Terry Pratchett

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  • 499 weeks
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  • 500 weeks
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If you haven't read this, you need to · 11:18am Mar 17th, 2015

Fresh from the "it's a crime if this doesn't get featured" list, is the short story Riverdream At Sunset.

It's written as an 1800's period piece, with trappings more than reminiscent of Doyle or Verne and absolutely hits the spot on the whole look and feel.

It doesn't miss a beat and it's quite simply a practically flawless story. Read it now, you will not be disappointed.

Report Midnightshadow · 1,271 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

a Promethean explorer of the Lands of Dream.

Iunno, man. When I have to Google a word in the damn synopsis just to know what the fuck is going on, my Pretentious Alarms start ringing...

It was actually pretty amazing. I might end up following GGA just based on this story.

Should I add a "you need to be this literate to read" alert? I don't want to sound pretentious, but this isn't Spot the Dog territory. It's a deliberately 1800's sounding -- authentically so -- period piece short story.ยด

I'd say it's well worth heading out into unfamiliar territory for the experience of it, and it's short enough I expected everyone would get the unfamiliar cadence and placement from context, and pick up meaning from there.

Also do you seriously not know who Prometheus was?

Added to my Immediate To Read List :coolphoto:
(aka, my usb drive)

When I have to Google a word in the damn synopsis just to know what the fuck is going on...

...I'm learning new things :twilightsmile:


Also do you seriously not know who Prometheus was?

Uh, a really shitty prequel? :pinkiecrazy:

I've been saying, man, I'm not like you smart people. I'm still not sure how or why y'all let me into the club, but I'm just some meddling guy.


When you write a pastiche, you must necessarily be pretentious; you are effectively pretending to be another author. :twilightsmile:

Seriously, I don't expect everyone to know what Promethean means off the bat. When I use such words, I am not trying to talk down to anyone or pretend to higher learning than I possess. It's just that I do have a larger than average vocabulary, and the word does mean what I wanted to convey, and it would be a shame if I could never use it for fear of causing offense to someone.

Please don't look upon it as an attempt on my part to be insulting or patronizing, but simply as an opportunity to learn a new word. I expand my own vocabulary by reading works by authors who know different words than I do. The waters of any language occasionally run deeper than what we're used to; it's your choice whether to swim a bit further, but you may find that the extra effort will reward you.


Dunsany was born in 1878; his works are mostly from the very late 1800's to early-mid 1900's. He was of course drawing on older literature during his formative years.

Thank you very much for your kind words!


Oh, no! I was just being a smartass! No offense was intended. The cry of "pretentious" is bandied about as an insult way too much on this site. Any time someone tries to be a bit intellectual or something similar, people decry it as snobbery. I fully admit that, while I do have a pretty decent vocabulary, my reading preferences tend to fall short when compared to guys like Middy or 2885143. However, this is in no way an insult to the author. I may prefer to watch popcorn shoot-'em-up action flicks over art house films, but that doesn't mean that those auteurs are snobs or elitists. Just that... well, I'm an ADHD kid at heart, I guess. :twilightblush:


No offense taken; we're cool. :twilightsmile:

I'm an ADHD kid myself; I know how it is.

Ignorance is curable, man, always remember that. You're not afraid to go find out about these new things, to broaden your horizons. You're not stupid, that's the only requirement to be in this "club" lol. I always say that the best way to write is to read. Go hit up project gutenberg, and grab yourselves some lewis carrol, some robert lewie stevenson, some Conan Doyle, some Jules Verne, some H. P. Lovecraft... actually I'm not sure how many of those are available, but there's a reason a lot of those authors are known for producing classics. They even have Sun Tzu on there, which is really awesome to read, as well as Machiavelli, Plato...

Anyway, its four in the morning, my brain isn't working. G'nite!


i find it to be a GOOD mark when i have to Google a word to understand what is going on in a sentence. it means i am LEARNING something i did not know before, and thus i am enriched because of it.

unusual words are GOOD!

learning stuff is GOOD!

learning something that i had no idea of the meaning, is EXCELLENT!

Hopefull boop

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