• Member Since 27th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2018


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


Stepping Down from Fanfic Writing; Focusing on Life, Career, Game Dev · 3:49am May 27th, 2017

This blog post might not come as any surprise given the last new chapter of anything I posted was a year ago. I meandered away from the site for some time, unsure if I would feel like coming back. I'm making this blog post because I'm pretty sure now at this point I won't want to write ponyfic any time soon. I really regret leaving A Darkened Land unfinished, since I did truly enjoy writing quite a few parts of that. Even including the mostly finished Arc 2, the story would still have some odd

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An Update · 6:54am Nov 23rd, 2016

After being silent so long I guess I should start by saying this isn't a gloom and doom type blogpost, heh.

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Unpopular Opinion #6: Learning Theory Can Kill You · 1:30am Aug 25th, 2016

Okay, maybe "kill you" is a bit overdramatic, but "clickbait" is sort of a theme of these blog posts' titles anyway so yeah.

I recently came back from Bronycan where I spoke on 3 separate hour-long writing panels. I got some pretty good words of encouragement from people saying they learned something, and actually in talking that much about writing I felt I learned something too.

Also we had a ton of fun with pony-themed drinking games back at the hotel.

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My Slow Writing and Life Update · 3:11am Aug 14th, 2016

I'm 4th year University student studying Computer Science. I'm into writing, art, programming, and game development. I tend to plan far in advance for the future, and previously I've mentioned A Darkened Land will likely be my last novel length fic.

(What is Computer Graphics? Stuff like this. Or these.)

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Bronycan Details · 12:56pm Aug 7th, 2016

Hey there! So I'm all set for Bronycan and they've got the schedule up on their website.

In a surprise turn of events, the coordinator approved of all of our panels! That means I'll be sitting in as a panelist on 3 of the 4 writing panels our little group is organizing. Here's the times/topics for all four:

- 8:30 PM, "Advanced Writing"

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[Poll] What Part of Writing Do You Struggle With the Most? · 9:52am Jul 18th, 2016

Just want to see the answers of different people to this question.

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Writing and Art and Games and Stuff · 1:48am Jul 16th, 2016

I've been very busy lately with life stuff. Mostly trying to figure out which fork of the road will get me where I want to go.

I just noticed that it's been over a month since I made one of these bloggamajiggers, so I thought I'd make one where I talk about writing, art, and game development.

During an interview, Jonathan Blow, talked about his road up to the release of Braid.

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Bronycan 2016 · 9:37am May 19th, 2016

That's Bronycan. With an eh!

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A Darkened Land Up-To-Date Progress. · 9:02am May 19th, 2016

I will be putting this blog on my user page and updating it at least once per week with progress on the next arc of A Darkened Land. I just feel like it might be a good idea to have one, rather than wondering if the story is dead/on hold or not.

As of September 18, 2016
Current Status:
Planning: Done up to chapter 16.
Chapter 9: 100%
Fluttershy's Side Story: 100% (posted)
Chapter 10: 100%

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A Darkened Land Arc 2 Progress · 10:28pm Apr 24th, 2016

As some of you may or may not know, I took a brief break from writing during a rather heavy load of school work. It had felt like writing new chapters had become a chore, and so I stepped away for a bit. Sure enough, after spending some time away I redeveloped a writing itch and came back to it. Since then I've written a few more chapters and I thought I would give an update to where I am with arc 2:

TL;DR current status:
Chapter 9: 100%
Fluttershy's Side Story: 100% (posted)

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