• Member Since 27th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2018


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


A Darkened Land New Chapter Tomorrow · 8:28am Apr 2nd, 2016

Pretty much what the title says. I'm not quite done editing it, but it's pretty much there. I'll be throwing it up online around noon-ish PST tomorrow.

The chapter focuses on Lyra of Lyre, and is the last one before I start posting arc 2.

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An Unpopular Opinion #5: Strive for Novelty, Not Originality · 11:02am Mar 19th, 2016

Strive for Novelty, Not Originality.

Maybe incest, too, because why not?

To start this off, I'm going to need to put forward some definitions as I see them.

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An Unpopular Opinion #4: Artists and Authors Should Have Unpopular Opinions · 10:28am Mar 15th, 2016

Artists and Authors Should Have Unpopular Opinions.

Today's article prompted by an interview with Austin Wintory, composer of Journey and other games and film. (~2:20 for relevant part.)

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Chapter almost done; I totally got caught up in graphics stuff. · 11:26pm Mar 14th, 2016

I don't want to go too into detail about what I'm working on, but yeah. Cool computer graphics stuff. The long and short of it is that compute shaders are awesome black magic. To explain it in layman terms: your GPU is like a 1000+ core processor that can only efficiently perform small, specific operations. What that means for programming is that you can launch 1000+ processes to happen simultaneously.

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An Update · 12:38pm Feb 11th, 2016

So I got hit with 3 assignments over reading break. I was originally hoping to get a couple chapters done during it, but then then realized the work I had to do... They're both for different 4th year computer graphics courses, so they're fairly rigorous.

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The Main Thing I See Lacking In Top Fimfiction Authors' Writing · 3:21am Jan 12th, 2016

But not in mine. Heaven's no. :unsuresweetie:

You probably remember hating high school English, where they made you remember this thing (AND FAILED HORRIBLY, EVIDENTLY ). I'm of course talking about:

Literary Devices

This is the part where I get called an egghead :facehoof:

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A Year in Recap · 11:10pm Dec 31st, 2015

This is where I look back on the past year, raise my glass of gin, and cry.

Or well, not cry completely, but just a little.

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Merry Halloween · 10:19am Dec 26th, 2015

I got gin and bailey's. Also some books. Ishmael is quite good, with a rhythym and flow to its dialogue that's better than any book I've read in recent memory. The ideas in it are making me itch to rewrite and publish an old write-off entry that's been sitting in my GDocs for 6+ months.

Being the nerd I am, I also got some programming texts. Got a good 1000 pages of Game Engine Architecture to go through in the coming months.

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Basically Crunch Time with the End of the Semester · 12:53am Dec 5th, 2015

Sorry guys. I feel like shit for not getting around to updating by now. I really wanted to break up A Darkened Land's hiatus with these character stories, but now it's looking like I'll probably be finishing the arc not long after I get around to posting the first one. I haven't had a chance to work on writing, gamedev, or art at all for nearly 2 weeks. I've had one or two PMs asking whether I'm going to continue the story and I just wanted to say: on principle, I very strongly dislike

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Slow Darkened Land Update · 1:58am Nov 28th, 2015

End of semester assignments and midterms are killin me. Pascoite went over the Fluttershy character story a few days ago but I haven't had so much as a breather to fully go over it.

Hopefully I'll get to it and get it posted this weekend, but I have a few due dates still hanging over my head. I'd like to finish or mostly finish up the second arc during the break before winter semester begins in January. The wait between stuff shouldn't be as long as it has currently been.

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