• Member Since 27th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2018


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.


Each new Flying High chapter will come with an additional chapter rewrite until AT LEAST chapter 9 · 8:01pm Feb 27th, 2012

Title says it all.

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Competition fic done, back to the drawing board! · 11:58am Feb 20th, 2012

I wish I could show you all it now, but I it'll have to wait until after the competition.

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Next Flying High update will be delayed due to competition · 8:25am Feb 13th, 2012

On the bright side when it comes back afterwards the chapter 1-5 rewrites will be up. Ironically enough I'm listening to 'one trick pony' as I type this, and I wanted to experiment with writing some other fic to see if I can replicate my success.

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New Flying High, Falling Hard Cover! · 4:19pm Jan 25th, 2012

It fits better.

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Story's doing decent, pre-readers think I'm improving · 7:40am Dec 19th, 2011

I'm most likely going to have more time to work on my story Flying High, Falling Hard soon. My pre-readers as well as some people in the comments say that my writing has improved, I'd like to hope so, but I am skeptical.

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chapter 6 done, going through pre reading soon(tm) · 11:07am Dec 12th, 2011

This is about as long as I can imagine taking on a chapter, it was a chapter I had to tread carefully around. I think I managed to have the right emotional quality as well as my unique comedic quality to the chapter. In my chapter outlines I had the direction I wanted to take this chapter since forever ago, but there were so many ways to reach that goal that I didn't have a clue how to do it for the longest time. After about 2 nights of thinking, followed by 2 nights of slowly managing to put

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I want to get rid of fluttershy's sad face that shows up when you don't have a blog. · 2:24pm Dec 6th, 2011

Grammar and spelling mistakes will be stomped out with an iron hoof, perfection is to be striven for. Comment on anything you notice incorrect and I will fix it. I'm excited about how popular my first fic has become, and it goes to show that an original premise is not necessary and you can instead seek to perfect what is already there. I would like to thank everyone who enjoyed my fic. I went into the writing of it with the intention of making a 6 star story (4.8 or higher right?), which I

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