• Member Since 27th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2018


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

More Blog Posts127

  • 374 weeks
    Stepping Down from Fanfic Writing; Focusing on Life, Career, Game Dev

    This blog post might not come as any surprise given the last new chapter of anything I posted was a year ago. I meandered away from the site for some time, unsure if I would feel like coming back. I'm making this blog post because I'm pretty sure now at this point I won't want to write ponyfic any time soon. I really regret leaving A Darkened Land unfinished, since I did truly enjoy writing quite

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    14 comments · 1,523 views
  • 400 weeks
    An Update

    After being silent so long I guess I should start by saying this isn't a gloom and doom type blogpost, heh.

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    8 comments · 821 views
  • 413 weeks
    Unpopular Opinion #6: Learning Theory Can Kill You

    Okay, maybe "kill you" is a bit overdramatic, but "clickbait" is sort of a theme of these blog posts' titles anyway so yeah.

    I recently came back from Bronycan where I spoke on 3 separate hour-long writing panels. I got some pretty good words of encouragement from people saying they learned something, and actually in talking that much about writing I felt I learned something too.

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    6 comments · 1,030 views
  • 414 weeks
    My Slow Writing and Life Update

    I'm 4th year University student studying Computer Science. I'm into writing, art, programming, and game development. I tend to plan far in advance for the future, and previously I've mentioned A Darkened Land will likely be my last novel length fic.

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    2 comments · 634 views
  • 415 weeks
    Bronycan Details

    Hey there! So I'm all set for Bronycan and they've got the schedule up on their website.

    In a surprise turn of events, the coordinator approved of all of our panels! That means I'll be sitting in as a panelist on 3 of the 4 writing panels our little group is organizing. Here's the times/topics for all four:


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A Darkened Land Arc 2 Progress · 10:28pm Apr 24th, 2016

As some of you may or may not know, I took a brief break from writing during a rather heavy load of school work. It had felt like writing new chapters had become a chore, and so I stepped away for a bit. Sure enough, after spending some time away I redeveloped a writing itch and came back to it. Since then I've written a few more chapters and I thought I would give an update to where I am with arc 2:

TL;DR current status:
Chapter 9: 100%
Fluttershy's Side Story: 100% (posted)
Chapter 10: 100%
Lyra's Side Story: 100% (posted)
Chapter 11: 80%
Chapter 12: 00%
Chapter 13: 00%
Chapter 14: 00%
Chapter 15: 00%
Chapter 16: 00%
(Note: the entire arc is already planned and plotted)

So this is sort of like a half-way point blog. Although in reality, I'm hoping the second half will be much, much shorter than the first. Over the course of today I'm going to finish chapter 11 and then finish chapter 12 in the following week. My upcoming semester is going to be a lot lighter and less draining than the one I just finished, so I should be having more energy to write.

If you're wondering why I haven't posted chapter 9 or 10 yet: as I've said before I plan to work on and post this story in arcs. The idea is that I can better go back and edit chapters to create a more cohesive story. The idea is that once an arc is complete and edited, I won't be wishing I could go back and change something later. So yeah, it's taking a while between updates.

Anyway, feel free to forget about this story for a bit. When it does come back, you can rest easy knowing there'll be a stream of regular updates for a while.

Report Soundslikeponies · 457 views · Story: A Darkened Land ·
Comments ( 1 )

I really love this amazing story.

I plan to work on and post this story in arcs. The idea is that I can better go back and edit chapters to create a more cohesive story. The idea is that once an arc is complete and edited, I won't be wishing I could go back and change something later.

I know that feel. I do.

Anyway, feel free to forget about this story for a bit.

Never! It is one of the best things on Fimfiction. :twilightsmile:

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