• Member Since 19th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen February 2nd


Not checking in here. I may post stories because my patrons are nice and like ponies. Otherwise out of the fandom, sorry peeps.


Re: my profile changes. · 3:44am Apr 19th, 2021



There's where you go.

If you don't have money, fair enough. I've been there, done that. If you do and don't care, fuck off.

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Report SPark · 3,685 views ·

The zines are for sale. · 10:41pm Apr 16th, 2021

I'll just bump you folks over to twitter for details, but the short version is they're $5 each, $2 USA shipping, $4 international, and I have two pony ones, A Twilight Trio (Unhorsed, Apex, Dreaming of Dragons) and Tender is the Night.

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Report SPark · 699 views ·

It exists. :3 · 5:08am Apr 10th, 2021

That, my friends, is a zine, or a tiny, handmade book, containing three of my recent stories. Right now I'm working on getting them out to the Patrons, and after that I will be selling them in some way or another.

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Zines! AKA tiny books! · 12:39am Apr 8th, 2021

I never managed to get on the pony book bandwagon. I just... self publishing is hard, okay? :P But zines are at least marginally less hard, I only have to wrestle with Libre Office, not with some printer's completely unfamiliar absolutely everything.

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Report SPark · 456 views ·

Any Hades fans out there? · 9:33pm Jan 7th, 2021

I do actually have a pony story coming up! (On Patreon on Monday, here on Fimfic on Wednesday! Just a cute little erotica short, but it's one I particularly liked!)

But I'm also currently in the middle of writing Hades story number four in just the last week, so, uh... On a bit of a roll there!

My AO3 with the two Hades things I've posted so far is over this way ->

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I'm surrounded by WIERDOS · 3:17am Dec 3rd, 2020

Some absolute maniac sent me a box of spoons. :pinkiehappy:

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Needs must spam vampire romance n' smut · 6:53pm Nov 27th, 2020

Hey there! I'll keep this short and sweet and just link to my Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/bladespark/status/1332359614902386688

Not doing any personal Black Friday anything because I do not have the spoons, but one of my publishers is, so six of my books are currently very much on sale. Twitter thread has descriptions and links to the individual books in it.

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Meaningless holidays and microfiction postcards. · 1:41am Nov 15th, 2020

It's Trans Awareness Week, which honestly means basically nothing? It's not an official national holiday, nobody with power is celebrating transness, it's just on some random calendar somewhere. But hey, it's an excuse for trans people to self-promote, so lets!

Here is a quite trans-themed microfiction I wrote a while back, and had illustrated as a nice little "postcard" just today!

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*Ahem* · 9:51pm Nov 5th, 2020

Fimfic's rules do not allow me to link directly, but fans of my more...risque works here on the site might want to peek at my twitter. After making sure nobody's looking over your shoulder. I have to work on this project while the goober child is not around, let's say. :pinkiegasp:

If you can't find my twitter, there's a link on my profile page, and the bottom of the More Info section.


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You want to commission an amazing story? · 4:30am Oct 27th, 2020

Well, you can't commission me unless you want to pay $30 per thousand via Patreon. :twilightsmile: But you can commission the AMAZING Cynewulf, right here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/923109/commissions-read-carefully

I have commissioned her before, and it was a stellar experience, so this isn't just me plugging somebody I love, this is also a customer testimonial. She does good work!

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