• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2021

Ebon Mane


On the Bridges I've Burned · 6:50am May 18th, 2014

So I'm back. You may have noticed that the last blog post I put up before BABSCon was back in October of 2012. I kind of fell out of the fandom around then, especially after Unicon the February after that. I never really stopped liking MLP and kept up with episodes and some other things, but I stopped keeping up with fanfic and resigned from EqD.

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Getting Back Into The Game · 12:50pm Apr 27th, 2014

So Babscon was awesome, though I managed to catch some sort of plague (or at least flu) that I'm just now recovering from. I managed to attend a couple of the fanfiction panels and an awesome fic author party. I feel like I've rekindled my passion for fanfic, and I've been spending some of the lucid time I've had while sick catching up on RCL features I hadn't read. After that, I might get around to reading all those fics I haven't read from authors I really love (Like Blueshift and CiG).

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Gonna be at Babscon · 3:24pm Apr 17th, 2014

I'm super excited about it. Who else is gonna be there?

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Music Inspired by Tired · 3:45am Oct 3rd, 2012

An individual named Pi was apparently impressed enough by Tired that they created a short piano peice after reading it.

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Everfree Northwest · 12:53pm Aug 21st, 2012

I hope I'm not the only one that can barely remember the start of a convention by the time it's over. Conventions for me are just so dense with activities and socialization and alcohol (Though less at this con than at anime cons I've been to). So yes, I'm currently exhausted from attending Everfree Nortwest.

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Transparency in Pre-Reading · 3:26am Jul 14th, 2012

So part of my day (night, actually, but who's counting) job is being a spreadsheet jockey, so I set up a Gdocs formula on the EQD Pre-Reader queue spreadsheet. Here it is if you want to have up-to-the-minute knowledge of exactly how many fics are in the EqD queue at any given time. As you can see, the queue is around 40 right now, and it was at 50 earlier in the

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Looking for an Artist · 12:37pm Jul 7th, 2012

Does anyone know any pony artists that are accepting commissions? I don't pay much attention to the fanart part of the fandom, but I find myself in need of a cover image for a fic I'm working on. I'd prefer someone with a style that's dark and stylized; the more dark and stylized the better. This is for the sadfic I mentioned in my Plans post not long ago.

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Dark Done Well · 11:41am Jul 3rd, 2012

I can't stop raving over Starlight Over Detrot. You may not have heard of it, which is sad, because it's already shaping up to be one of the best dark fics this fandom has produced. It reads like a perfect blend of an episode of My Little Pony and a Dirty Harry movie; I'm not usually partial to the noir this fandom puts out, but this is an exception. This fic is really damn good and almost nobody seems to have read it, and it won't be up on EqD for at least a bit due to some (relatively minor

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Plans. · 8:48am Jun 27th, 2012

So my current intention is to have only two more chapters for U-Harmony: Her Alicorns' Advice, and Her Magnificent Moonlight Masquerade. I'm still in the outlining stage for both of those and I think MMM might be a bit of a challenge, but I think I have a good plan to make fit, provide a satisfying ending, and still be both novel and funny while keeping at least some of my readers guessing until the very end. I'll even get to subvert an old sitcom cliche in the process!

Won't that be fun?

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On Recommendations. · 6:55am Jun 7th, 2012

I don't recommend things often. Well, that's a lie. I don't recommend things personally often; I do it a lot on behalf of EqD, since approving a story for posting counts as a recommendation, in a way. That's also a lie. In my time as a pre-reader, I've reviewed around one hundred fics and recommended less than a dozen for posting; I don't recommend a lot even for EqD. Most of those I didn't recommend weren't permanently exiled; I sent suggestions and several of them got editors, got other

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