• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2021

Ebon Mane

More Blog Posts21

  • 531 weeks
    On the Bridges I've Burned

    So I'm back. You may have noticed that the last blog post I put up before BABSCon was back in October of 2012. I kind of fell out of the fandom around then, especially after Unicon the February after that. I never really stopped liking MLP and kept up with episodes and some other things, but I stopped keeping up with fanfic and resigned from EqD.

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  • 534 weeks
    Getting Back Into The Game

    So Babscon was awesome, though I managed to catch some sort of plague (or at least flu) that I'm just now recovering from. I managed to attend a couple of the fanfiction panels and an awesome fic author party. I feel like I've rekindled my passion for fanfic, and I've been spending some of the lucid time I've had while sick catching up on RCL features I hadn't read. After that, I might get around

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  • 536 weeks
    Gonna be at Babscon

    I'm super excited about it. Who else is gonna be there?

    2 comments · 549 views
  • 616 weeks
    Music Inspired by Tired

    An individual named Pi was apparently impressed enough by Tired that they created a short piano peice after reading it.

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  • 622 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    I hope I'm not the only one that can barely remember the start of a convention by the time it's over. Conventions for me are just so dense with activities and socialization and alcohol (Though less at this con than at anime cons I've been to). So yes, I'm currently exhausted from attending Everfree Nortwest.

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Everfree Northwest · 12:53pm Aug 21st, 2012

I hope I'm not the only one that can barely remember the start of a convention by the time it's over. Conventions for me are just so dense with activities and socialization and alcohol (Though less at this con than at anime cons I've been to). So yes, I'm currently exhausted from attending Everfree Nortwest.

I shared my room with the ever-awesome CupcakesNom, Bronycon staffer and founder of the Humble Brony Bundle, and a guy named Xiago who I hadn't ever interacted with but seems nice enough. It also turned into a minor hub of people because of its size. I managed to contain my squeals when John Joseco got his hands on the coloring book I'd picked up at Target and used eight colors of crayons to make a madly impressive recolor. I played Munchkin and Words Against Humanity with a few of the other EqD prereaders and drank homebrewed mead.

As for the con itself, it was rather awesome. There were a few headaches (as is expected from any first year con), but everything came together nicely despite the challenges of a split venue. I've been assured that Ponystock was awesome, though I'm not big into the music side of the fandom so I didn't spend much time there. I attended one of the writing panels and found it interesting. I should have gone to more, but I was too distracted wondering how many of the people in the room had written stories I'd rejected from EqD. There was a ton of other stuff to do, so I was far from bored. I was fortunate enough (and shelled out enough money for a sponsor's badge, so I had the opportunity) to be in the front row of the Mane Six Minus Two (Plus Two) panel, and that was beyond awesome. The VAs are hilarious. The Equestria Daily panel was fun, and I found it amusing that the blogponies brought cookies for everyone... but only bought fifty cookies. They were gone quite quickly. I got some buttons from the dealers' hall, including an awesome Pinkie Pie one that I managed to get signed by her VA.

On Sunday, Couch convinced a few of the prereaders and Sethisto to skip out on the con to go to a water park. That was fun, but the weather could have been better.

Overall, an awesome experience. I'm looking forward to more MLP conventions. Hopefully we get more on the west coast soon enough!

Report Ebon Mane · 750 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Jealous, Mane. Very very jealous. Take me with you next time ;_;

Conventions... A fantastic experience for those who go, but an exercise in envy for those who can't go. It sure sounds like was fun, though.

I want to go to a pony con ;_;

>but only bought fifty cookies

I feel like I should make an Everfree post... Nahhh

It was great to meet you! Hopefully we can hang out at more cons

Man, I wish I could've been there.

Cons need to come to the midwest! :fluttershysad:


Or you need to come to civilization when cons happen.

Still working on that sarcastic nickname for EFNW. Everfree Upwest? ... Hmm.

I had a lot of fun, and want to give you another big thank you! So... THANK YOU!


I think at one point in a stairwell the working name was Everstairs North-Can't-Get-My-Fucking-Badge

You're welcome.

Well, for that to happen, I'd need to have money. :raritydespair:


There's always gambling, begging, or prostitution.

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