• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2021

Ebon Mane


This Isn't DA, I Don't Want to Hear About Your Chain Journals. · 11:21am Jun 1st, 2012

I hate chain journals, but I love hearing myself type. I've got a mechanical keyboard so it sounds so damn good. Decisions, decisions. Well, I might as well have fun with it. I was tagged by http://www.fimfiction.net/user/BlankFlankBrony

I will not play by the rules.

0. Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
1. You must not post a butchered version of the rules for your own twisted amusement.

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On Why I Write, And Why Some (Some) Of The Others Who Write Will Never Stop Sucking. · 5:36pm May 15th, 2012

This is a response to http://www.ponychan.net/chan/fic/res/101097.html#102536 ; I figured it would be too big to post there and not monopolize the thread.

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First World Problems · 3:11am May 13th, 2012

I take fanfiction seriously. It's serious business after all; real people use real time from their real lives to read fanfiction. That said, there are some people that take fanfiction REALLY seriously.

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I broke FIMfiction · 7:35am May 11th, 2012

Edit2: Looks like Knighty fixed it.

Now it doesn't send you a message when someone replies to a comment you made. That's my fault. Sorry, guys.

Edit: Going to bed now. Let's see how long it takes Knighty to fix it.

Report Ebon Mane · 328 views ·

In Honor of International OTP Day · 1:42am May 5th, 2012

Since today is International OTP Day by proclamation of the great AbsoluteAnonymous, I'm going to talk about Twilestia.

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Nicholas Cage on Self-Insert Fanfiction · 6:00pm Apr 30th, 2012

I'm Ebon Mane and I approve this message:


That said, there are exceptions to every rule when it comes to writing. I do remember liking Pride's work.

Work continues on Daring Do and the Journey to the Center of Equestria, but I intend to release it all at once and it may end up being quite long indeed.

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What the Future Holds · 12:10pm Mar 28th, 2012

Merely a Mare is complete. For awhile, I didn't know if I was ever going to be able to say that, but I finally got it done. 50k words. Crazy. Thanks for all the views and comments on it, and I'm glad so many of you seemed to enjoy it.

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End of Merely a Mare is off to my editor. · 1:34pm Mar 23rd, 2012

Probably a week or two of polish before I post it, depending on how long it takes my editor to go over the interlude and the epilogue. Over 10k words, with all three parts considered.

Does anybody want to pre-read it to make sure I haven't completely fumbled the ending before I post it for all to see?

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Progress Report (May contain intentionally vague spoilers for Merely a Mare) · 11:27am Mar 14th, 2012

As of now:

Chapter 6, part 2, Magic: 3100/~5k words
Final Interlude, Love: 1999/~3.5k words
Epilogue, Trust: 619 words (A preliminary edit pass cost me a word on the balance)

The Final Interlude will be a bit longer than I expected, since I got a bit of inspiration for a scene that I'm hoping won't be terrible. I mean, a monologue over a gravestone? How cliche can I get?

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Finished the epilogue for Merely a Mare · 12:45pm Mar 11th, 2012

Now I just need to finish the second part of chapter 6 and the final interlude, and get it all edited. Current word counts:

Chapter 6, part 2: Magic = 1600/~6k
Final Interlude: Love = 500/~3k
Epilogue: Trust = 620 (Finished but unedited)

As of two days ago I'm back on my adderall prescription, so I should be able to work much more quickly than I had been. More days working on it and more words per day.

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