• Member Since 26th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 25th


*Stares blankly at paper* "The"

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Comments ( 109 )
  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109

Where do they keep coming from...... and what do they want?

Why am I complaining about 5 followers, when you have 33 of them and apparantly have no clue why...

I completely understand you :rainbowlaugh:
I still haven't got a story, and I'm not an artist either. Why do I even have followers?

1735960 Hahaha same here. It's kinda fun to watch people stumble trying to get the right pronoun. I have long hair and I guess my face and body is pretty feminine.

  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109
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