• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2013



As you may have noticed... · 12:04pm Nov 1st, 2012

...I've not been on FIMFiction for a few months. Actually, I've not been online at all. I've been taking a break from my internet existence, although I didn't really make a conscious decision to do so. Things just seemed to work out that way. Maybe finishing Much Ahoof took it out of me?

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Final part of Much Ahoof uploaded! + work on part two of Wine for Two has begun · 11:58pm Sep 25th, 2012


Sorry about the wait - I've been in self-imposed exile from the internet until I got my life in order.

Well, okay - I told a little fib. It's not the final part... there's a short epilogue as well! Expect it anon.

Also, I've started writing part two of Wine for Two. You can expect that soonish too. I'm on holiday at the moment, and for once I have time to write!

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There will be a Part 9 of Much Ahoof, + an Epilogue! · 10:48pm Sep 1st, 2012

Hi everyone! :pinkiehappy:

I noticed that there's been a little confusion about a comment I made under Part 8 of Much Ahoof About Nothing. There WILL be a Part 9 and then a much-shorter Epilogue after that to bring everything to an appropriate close.

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Much Ahoof Part 8 coming in a day or two... · 10:35am Aug 19th, 2012

It's been sent to my lovely proofreaders/friends/cronies and I should be able to upload it in a day or two. There'll be a Part 9 and then an epilogue as well... it seems the more I edit, the more I write, which is a very, very bad habit indeed.

Sorry about the delay, but real life has been making demands from me recently. I'm also stressed out of my gourd!

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The League of Extraordinary Gentlecolts + one Gentlefilly · 9:40am Aug 7th, 2012

Hi everyone!

By now, you'll all have realised I was in on that little project where I was paired with the most excellent Obselesence: both of us wrote stories and uploaded each other's to see what would happen.

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Much Ahoof - The Finale! · 12:37pm Jul 19th, 2012

Part one of the finale of Much Ahoof About Nothing has just gone to my proofreaders (Celestia bless their hearts and souls!), so you can expect it to be uploaded on the weekend. :yay:

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Update on progress of my various stories! · 2:02am Jul 12th, 2012

I've noticed a lot of comments asking me when a certain story is going to be next updated. Well, the comments are more like

"When the heck are you going to update this!!!1111one I've been waiting for months!"

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Twilight Flopple's "Heart Light" and "Adventures in Cake Making" · 6:58am Jun 11th, 2012


Twilight x Spike... Criminal or not? My view of the matter! · 11:32pm Jun 8th, 2012

Hi everypony!

I guess there's been a little controversy about my latest story, Wine for Two, in which Twilight and Spike get romantically involved. :rainbowderp:

Now, some people have said that it's a criminal situation. But it's really not. Allow me to explain....

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"The Mistress of Midnight Castle" has been submitted! · 10:17am Jun 6th, 2012

This one needs a little explanation!

It's a Twilight x Trixie story I wrote a while back. Originally, it was the sequel to The Luxury Lotus Spa Follies, but a lot of readers (very correctly) took me to task for the dramatic change in tone between the two stories. Follies is light and funny, while Mistress is dark and psychological - I guess I must have been in a pretty dark mood when I wrote it.

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