• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Fell in love with MlP: FiM pretty fast, just had to make an account here to keep track of all the fanfictions popping up. Might pick up a pen one day and write something myself.Maybe. :3


The Black Digi-Knight: Status Update · 11:24pm Dec 18th, 2019


Hoo-boy, it's been a bit. I keep trying to write on a schedule but...

tl;dr Life's been rough, work's been rough, friendship needs have been rough, money's been rough. Rough rough, grr.

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Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

Hey dude, you've been quiet for nearly 2 years.
You okay?

Hey, are you okay? You've been silent for some time now!

Hey, i know that with all that has been going on lately with Covid 19 life must be ruff for a lot of people and i don't want to annoy you but your last status update was ca. 7 months ago. I jut want to know if you'll still continue updating "The Black Digi-Knight" and if we can expect something anytime soon. I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and to hear from you soon.

Thanks for the fave! :pinkiehappy:

Hey. I read your last post and was wondering if things had calmed down enough for you to post another chapter of the black Digi-knight? If not that's ok. I don't know if Florence or Michael effects on your life and if they did then I hope you can recover quickly. Though I think updating the story to have an author's note at the end of the last chapter would be helpful if at all feasible. Sorry if it sounds like I only care about the story I am aware there is a human behind the screen.

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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