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- Derpy and Celestia are both very prominant figures in Equestria, but somehow manage to fade into the background. Surely that's where the similarities end. (Random Romance Mar2014)ILurvTrixie · 13k words · 167 2 · 3.2k views
- Cheerilee and Roseluck have nopony special, even when the ENTIRE FREAKING TOWN seems to. (Random Romance/Feb2014)ILurvTrixie · 4.6k words · 50 1 · 1.1k views
- Babs comes back to visit. The CMC are crazy. Weather. Books. Done for Random Romance group.ILurvTrixie · 13k words · 31 1 · 912 views
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1857911 The fates have aligned!
Woah... remember that story I mentioned a few weeks ago? I found a binder on my bookshelf with a very detailed outline of the story written down. I had no idea that I had made that!
1820739 That sentiment is much appreciated. Sadly I've fallen prey to the animal that is full time work. It has the unfortunate habit of draining mental energies. All I need to do is figure out some other income. A dozen lottery tickets should work, right?
I have been typing at the sequel, but as with all my other stories, it feels... wrong, to not release it all in one go.
Or perhaps I'm just hoping to never leave one of those 'promising, but incomplete' stories sitting around.
Dude, you need to write more
Because you are waaaaaay to good at writing romantic comedy
Your Special delivery story is one of my favourite stories of all time. A sequel would be absolutely awesome, or in the very least a story like it.
Don't deprive the world of your talent, it is criminal.
1794629 Nah, don't force it. Writing is at its' best when it's built up casually. Or at least that's my experience.
Which might be why I'm such a horrible slacker.