• Member Since 1st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th

Lord Max

Remember: the Six are One

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  • 280 weeks
    A New Chapter, written behind bars

    The bar exam covers me like a blanket; tuck me in, let me die.

    This chapter was written during a brief moment when my head was above water, so please forgive me for both the delay and any errors. I will now return to my studying cave until further notice.

    3 comments · 596 views
  • 311 weeks
    Regarding the Recent Events in the Blurr

    Internal Communications, Mark 146.222//99-6 SENSITIVE

    This PM is ordered SEALED by order of the Authority. Any breach of confidentiality will be met with Ban. Please file under "Classification 19" and complete requisite form 2.16123 in triplicate upon receiving.

    To my esteemed colleague,

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    2 comments · 895 views
  • 327 weeks
    The Land of Faces

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  • 329 weeks
    New Chapter, an explanation, and new worldbuilding material

    Oof, this one is going to take an explanation, huh?

    As you can see, a new, much belated chapter is out. The delay on this one is basically inexcusable, but I still own a reason for it having taken so long.

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  • 354 weeks
    The Saying Sea

    The Saying Sea.

    In the far south of the Known Internet, the world comes to an end.

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    1 comments · 968 views

A New Chapter, written behind bars · 2:13pm Jul 29th, 2019

The bar exam covers me like a blanket; tuck me in, let me die.

This chapter was written during a brief moment when my head was above water, so please forgive me for both the delay and any errors. I will now return to my studying cave until further notice.

Comments ( 5 )
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Don't worry, I'm happy to answer most any questions. As to the first one, I have to confess that I'm not really a member of other fandoms, at least not nearly to the extent that I am with the Brony community. I have plenty of other media I'm interested in, but nothing to which I am so dedicated.

To the second one, about how fandoms translate to the WWW, that I can speak about in more detail. In fact, I was thinking of tackling that in a blog post in the near future - perhaps tomorrow? Hopefully that can shed some light on the subject - I'm extremely flattered to see a creative interest in this, so I hope to help how I can!

Hey, Max, I know this might be asking a bit much, but I was curious what other fandoms you're a part of, and what they would translate to in the WWW? As you are the creator of this universe, I'd hate to try to write a piece of fanfiction about your fanfiction and missname one of your headcanons.

Thank you so much for the Fave of my story The Youth in the Garden! That you would means that my efforts to commemorate a life and a battle worked to some small degree.

Hey, thanks for the fav!

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