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ARC190 follows 46 users
Good stories with untouched potential
The Girl with Draconequus Tattoo A pegasister is in Equestria, nothing new, right? But Lidya has a Discord's tattoo and she need hide it of the ponies and Discord while she try have a good time whit her new friends. by MyPeculiarSelf 9,710 words · 42 · 8
Caught In the Mind's Web Ever wonder how a place such as Equestria could have such peaceful and tranquil citizens for thousands of years? Well, not all of them are as happy as you believe. That's one psychologist's purpose as he finds he has no idea what he has got by CanterlotCrusader 8,714 words · 36 · 6
Thanks for the fave on Wings of Dawn
Thanks for favoriting Soul in the Sword!
Glad you liked Stop That Blimp. Maybe the rest of the Sleet tales will tickle your fancy.
Thanks for faving The Griffin Chronicle, what do you like/dislike about it?
Thank you for faving Of Flame and Shadow.