The Moment Nopony was Waiting For · 5:01am Oct 25th, 2014
So I promised you all story chapters. I'm a bit late on that mark, but that's because I'm slow in finding editors. So I posted the prologue for Bringing Song to the Silenced for you all, edited only by myself. I also posted a short story, the Lay of Thrum, a story of love and loss (of lucky horseshoes) based on the Lay of Thrym, a Norse poem. Look for those after they've been approved!
Thanks for the favorite on “Monster is as Monster Does”
Thanks for addin the Element of Common Sense to your favorites. I promise that this story will eventually find a conclusion.
Thanks for favoriting Hornless!
I'm glad you enjoyed it
2050357 I'd have to say that my favorite thing about the story is the series of misfortune that the protagonist faces with rational thought, which is such a rarity.