• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2022

Sage Quill


Mother's Day · 4:13pm May 12th, 2013

There are things in life I feel the need to put into poetic form, and the bond between mother and child is just one of those things. I hope you like sappy cause it's about to be that.

A mother's love is a treasure,
one that we all tend to find;
it spans time and space without measure,
when you're born two hearts are entwined.

No matter the distance one travels;
no matter how far one will go,
its threads will never unravel;
its strength will defeat any foe.

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Writers block eh? How about a little help? I always find that playing catch with someone gets the creative juices flowing if you still feel like updating Paladin's Cross

"In the end, we are who we want to be, it does not matter what the others say, only what we say about ourselves"

This isn't a promise you make to me, but a promise you made to yourself when you first picked up that metaphysical pen and allowed your imagination a voice, I just want that voice to be heard in a sense of the word.


Alright, I'll make both of us a promise then. When I get home at the end of the month I will dedicate all my free time to getting over this block and getting words on metaphorical paper.

"A terrible author is one who simply gives up" the way I see it is that you have such amazing potential and a sharp mind.

The way it is set up is that you now have two branching story arcs you could exploit and it allows you the ability decide what part of this story you can start next to a certain extent.

It would be easier to simply focus on one part without intermixing both sides too much in each chapter, say you have Twilight and the paladin seeking various things to do or involved in busywork then you could take the focus off of them for awhile whilst moving along with the mage and the girls' predicament but it let's us know that you haven't just forgotten about the main characters of the story as they are in separate story arcs to a extent.

I have been a terrible author to you, haven't I. I have attempted to restart Paladins Cross many times over the last year and a half, but I always get two or three chapters ahead only to delete them in frustration when I realize I have no idea which direction to take for the more immediate future. Most of my ideas of continuation meet with the problem of meandering on without any real conclusions. The same could be said for the stories longer goals and where I want the wider breadth of the story to go. Maybe I stepped on my own toes with my attempts at world building, and I shouldn't have connected Equestria to Soulis at all... What do you think? Should I continue on as I have or go for a minor rewrite?

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