• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 7th, 2014


Im Batman...err...Mare-do-well!


Cybermare · 1:52am Aug 22nd, 2013

Just gonna toss around another idea I will never do.

If I ever do get into writing again, it would probably be doing this.

Essentially, Cybermen from Doctor Who in Equestria. Though it wouldn't be the Cybermen from the Doctor's world, in fact the Doctor wouldn't even be present in it. Essentially it would be the rise of an Equestrian version of the Cybermen; the Cyberponies, and the fall of the planet itself. Pretty much, imagine a zombie apocalypse origin story but with cyborgs.

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

I wish that across the cosmic ocean fanfic could be finished, good luck friend. :pinkiesad2:


Your Nightmare Woon story was a good read, and its sad to know that its no longer being continued. Plus, I don't like how you turned it into a Tumblr blog. Not really the best idea since its dead in the water along with the story itself.

Sorry to sound harsh.

725460 And that tumblr blog is dead as well...

725460 Interesting maybe you could send me a link to your tumblr so I can check it out.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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