• Member Since 29th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2022



The Legend of Mare-Do-Well will no longer ride on. · 2:00am Jun 17th, 2020

Hello everyone.

I don't know if there are still people here who remember me or not, and frankly, I am not faring well in my life.

Part due to the COVID outbreak, part due to being unemployed thanks to aforementioned outbreak and part due to drama in my family and personal relationships.

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Well it's been a year...I hope that all is well, and I hope that you're alive (I apologize if that seems a bit offensive, but seeing that this handle has been offline for over a year, can't help but speculate a little).

I know real life is a priority, and whatever you are doing it's into what you want to do and you are enjoying it. Cheers!! Hope to hear from you again!

Whelp, I'll try to keep this short and tamed as I don't want to write up a HUGE comment, eh...

Once again I just finished reading your story for the third time and I got to say I'm still greatly enjoying your story. I'm not one to go into detail of my anticipation for the next chapter of your story, but I am patiently albeit excitedly waiting. Very few stories on this site from which I have found hooked me into a story, and no story made me have a emotional reaction with tears in my eyes as Pinkie goes through her grim adventures as Mare Do Well. This story is just unbelievably good that I couldn't just put it down, and it kept me awake all night making me tired for the coming day. I once again like to say that I can't wait for the next chapter of The Legend of Mare-Do-Well.

The Emperor Protects.

Hello there! I just popped in to say that your story is absolutely fantastic. I am sitting here patiently waiting for the newest chapter whilst simultaneously resisting the urge to pulverise your testicles with a spiked club for killing Gummy. But hey, it was a high quality emotional plot point, so good work on bringing a few tears to my eyes!

Anyway, it's fantastically well written and I look forward to any other works you may post. Good luck with your RL problems and the next chapter, but make sure not to rush it out of any sense of obligation to your fans. A literary work's quality suffers if the author is lacking enthusiasm while writing.

Godspeed and may all of your breakfasts contain bacon!

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