The Legend of Mare-Do-Well will no longer ride on. · 2:00am Jun 17th, 2020
Hello everyone.
I don't know if there are still people here who remember me or not, and frankly, I am not faring well in my life.
Part due to the COVID outbreak, part due to being unemployed thanks to aforementioned outbreak and part due to drama in my family and personal relationships.
In short, I'm through. I'm done with everything here. I know I have no reason to mention my fic which has been years since I last touched it but with the current blow to my life due to that triple whammy above, I finally decided to face reality. I'm never going to have those bursts of inspirations I did back then and I never will. The fic is now officially DEAD.
I really thank those who still believed in me and thought I would return which also leaves me heartbroken due to disappointing all these people. Believe me, it took all my strength and mental fortitude to come to this decision.
MLP Gen 4 was fun, but RL crept up slowly over my life until it engulfed me and sapped my creative spirit, and with this isolation as well as unemployment and drama I don't even deserve, I just don't have the heart anymore to work on anything anymore.
So, this is a fond farewell to all of you. Just before I leave, I will reveal something secret. Yes, I intended to bring the Smooze back a la Epic Mickey's Phantom Blot, as well as the original 3 human protagonists in much different roles (Megan as the power behind the Tree of Harmony...before learning about the Pillars that is....Molly was trapped inside the Smooze due to having used sealing magic to place her soul as a lock keeping the evil slime from breaking free from its otherwordly prison and Danny was driven insane by the sacrifices of his sisters and tried in his own f-d up way to channel the Elements to release the Smooze to free Molly and was the brains behind the Griffon Syndicate. And yes, the village Dr. Caballus had his lab in the Everfree was Paradise Estate and the last words of the G1 ponies when the Smooze engulfed them was that message Pinkie read).
The Mirror Pool was going to have a much larger role with Caballus actually making clones of himself to sped up his forced Alicornification project and eventually created a Knight Templarish clone using the elements and essences of the Main Six which would have been an anti-villain to MDW and be the key to unlock the Smooze's prison by accident thanks to Danny.
Oh and Game Marester? Believe it or else, she was actually Starlight Glimmer. The reason she became the Game Marester was because she was body-hijacked by the soul of the Marester which resided within the jewel of her mask-glasses, which was once in a dragon's hoard. Hence, Game Marester's irrational hatred of dragons which was seen with Spike. Glim-Glam, after losing Sunburst and months before she could create her Equalist utopia hid in a cave in a storm. That's when she found the sleeping dragon and Marester's spirit called out to her from the jewelled mask. She promised her that if she was freed, she would make all her pain from cutie marks go away and instead became her unwilling host as she took over her body to live again. In the final conflict, the Marester acted as an eternal nemesis to MDW and didn't care about the bigger villains and even teamed up with a few (including the Syndicate) with the intent to win against MDW. The final conflict between the two would be at the altar where the Smooze was locked away and MDM triumphed against GM and broke the jewel of her mask, finally destroying the evil spirit and freeing Starlight.
All that, sadly is now just pipe dreams. I wish I could have written all this but sadly, I'm in no shape, mentally, psychologically and morally, to continue.
Take care, everyone. May you have stronger constitutions than I could. Thank you for being loyal fans and I'm sorry to leave you all.