• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 23rd, 2018


Trillest and Illest Alive.


My Anticlimactic Resurrection · 9:34pm Jan 17th, 2014

I can't remember the last time I updated a story, and I'm too lazy to actually check, so I'll just make a blogpost saying that I've sorted a whole bunch of shit out and I'm now typing away again.

I'll give a quick update in terms of words done so far for stories I'm a part of:

Carotene: 3k words
Obs. & Prot.: 2.5k words
Praise the Spun: 4k words
Project Renaissance: I can't remember, somewhere past a few thousand words.

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Report Stillmatic · 700 views ·

Pop-Culture Drivel

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I'm either a PimpKnight or Gold Knight.


That's a tough cereal to find at my local produce emporium. I'll go look around.

Or maybe I'll just abandon it to make a fic about Blueblood. Who knows.

  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90
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Random shit, son.

Will fill with bullshit once it becomes available.

Here's an example: