Lyra may be a musician at heart, but that doesn't mean that she can't try other hobbies, right? If only she could find a hobby that doesn't accidentally bring about the utter destruction of Equestria...
When she attempts a summoning spell that goes horribly awry, Lyra manages to break Discord free from his stone prison. The ensuing snowball of unfortunate events leaves her imbued with the power of chaos at her hooftips.
Cover image is Lyra Knuckle by Ripfrost @ deviantArt
oh lyra, you and your fandom-created fascination with humans.
Don't worry, the human isn't going to show up again. (s)he is just a carefully crafted plot device to move the story where I desire it to go.
Sounds interesting. Tracking.
Badass cover is badass
780140 Why thank you for the moustache, good sir.
more please
780146will lyra get badass earthbending powers?because thath is what it loockss like(or like that vilian from shaolin duel)
782597 Wouldn't that spoil the story? And anyways, I used that image because it is literally the only one I could find of Lyra using magic without it being hand-related.
O sorry i will proced to do a sepuku(jk)..........
Everypony, I would like to apologize beforehand about forcing you to muddle through this. It's not fair to you to make you read this garbage.
816408 Garbage? Dafuq are you thinking? This is a great story! I love the harmonic idea for magic, the spell, everything!!! Please please PLEASE keep writing!
You wouldn't disappoint loyal readers, would you?
818992 Nah bro, this story will be written to the bitter end. I won't let you down like that
. . .
Did Lyra just become Discord?
Albiet Unintentionally?
Stay tuned to find out what happens next in the tragic tale of Lyra!823194
823281 Well that was given, this is too good for me to just pass up.
823289 Oh, you have no idea where all this story is going to go. I have at least two separate objectives for it, and more will probably follow suit. I am making most of it up as I go along
823307 More power to ya.
Have a Twilight.
More Lyra anyone?
I'll take it! And totally called it by the way.
871617 It ain't exactly like there was much of an option from there...
True. But as long as I keep my cool points.
Disappointingly short, but good.
Good chapter, but why so short? Why, why whyyyy?
949444>>952625 I wish I could tell you that it was a deep plan in order to hit you with a huge mindscrew or something along those lines, but I'm sorry to say that isn't the case. It was merely writer's block in an inopportune place. I decided to post what I had and punish myself for it afterwards. The dungeon weasels are feasting well tonight...
Rest assured the next chapter will be better and longer.
953357 Eh don't stress it. I get hit with the writer's block now and then. Going through that now, actually. I'm quite invested in your story though, I'm looking forward to more
Celestia, mare....
I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I've had a serious case of life lately, and I don't think it's going to get better any time soon. Rest assured I do have ideas for the story though. I just don't have many opportunities to write down my ideas uninterrupted.
If you see any errors, feel free to apply corrections with extreme prejudice.
I'm so sorry for not getting this done sooner. Please lambast me for my tardiness.
Alas, the long-awaited chapter has finally landed! Let it be known that no longer shall my brain be depraved of that which is has so long desired! Glory to the author who has bestowed upon us yet another work of art, indeed!
Now, begone with you, back to yonder tools of writing!
Sorry. I just felt that the way you wrote that comment kind of required a reply such as this one.
And here we are! Another chapter for your reading enjoyment!
And now, I must ask a couple things of you, my wonderful readers.
Part the first: If you could rate my story, it would be appreciated.
Part the second: I have been thinking of adding side chapters about Leyline and Co. I have short little stories that don't fit into the main story line, but I think you would like them. Do you want to read more about Leyline Tracer? I would like to hear about it in the comments.
On a semi-related note, eohwolf sounds pretty badflank. Think "werewolf" for ponies.
This fic is awesome. I love it to bits. I'm honestly surprised you don't have more likes.
Leyline tracer is pretty awesome, would love to see more of him. I assume he is Lyra's ancestor?
1510073 I can't tell too much yet, for fear of spoiling the plot, but I can tell you that he isn't related to Lyra at all. Interesting guess, though. I wouldn't have thought to make him Lyra's forefather
I second the request for more Leyline. This story is excellent. I like the way you describe magic. Keep it up!
I just realized something. I freed Discord, stole his magic mojo and promptly reimprisoned him in the first chapter Dang. I think I set the bar pretty high for the last chapter...
Ursa MAJOR?! Jeez...
Extra spacing in the middle of that sentence. I also love stories with Lyra! Now to see what powers will unfold
2541816 Your pic is full of win!
2541875 That is a horrible situation to find oneself in.
Also, of one were to look up win, they would find that picture and a description of how the pictures full of this mystical substance.
2541929 The hat. Though the second one could be potentially devastating as well.
Now THIS is a story premise that gets me excited. Time to read!
2542308 You have no idea how uplifting it is to hear that the mere idea of my story intrigues you, let alone that you are interested enough to keep reading and follow along. Thanks for the encouraging words!
If this is the Legacy of Discord, then I fear for Lyra's well being and her sanity. This will not end well
This is rather interesting.
I'll be watching from the shadows with my chaos control powers on standby.
No. It's not the same as Discord's magic.
2546589 You don't know for sure, silly! I could have a tragic ending, or a happy one. It all depends on how I feel it should end when the time comes.
2550708 Hmm... true, but from what I've read so far (and this happens in my brain mostly) I can only imagine that Lyra might remain... different if no solution is found soon, much like what happened to poor little Discord. Even more so with Eris who is apparently now here... Which does not bode well at all... this makes me wait with bated breath
Sugar, spice and everything nice. Powerpuff reference right there.
I am enthralled already, excited to continue. Have a 'stashe