• Member Since 25th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Kind of Brony

Well, I'm not much of a brony as I don't like the show, but I greatly respect the fans and their work. I often wish the fanbase of some other franchises were as talented and ambitious as the bronies.


Twilight thought she was coming into her own as Princess of Equestria.

With each passing day, she grew more confident in herself, her choices, and her ability to rule. She even began holding her own court these days, and enjoyed hearing out problems and working on solutions for her subjects.

Yes, she really felt like she was getting a handle on it all, and could deal with just about anything her subjects and the position of princess could throw at her.

Then a little green filly waltzed in and threw her one heck of a curve ball.

"I believe Cozy Glow should be freed."

Excuse me, what?

Twilight had no idea what she was in for, and all the aspirin in Equestria wouldn't be enough to sooth the headaches to come.

Was there something in the Equestrian water supply that was turning cute fillies into devious little monsters, or is she just that unlucky? Well, at least this one didn't seem bent on world domination. At least, Twilight hopes she isn't. This green nightmare might be even harder to stop than Cozy Glow if she ever put her mind to it.

This is not a "Cozy did nothing wrong and the main cast is evil," fic. Just a little filly who may or may not be more than they seem offering a different perspective on the whole situation involving an evil little villainess and what is the best thing to do with her.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 253 )

"Why would I get up before noon on my day off?" asks Dash skeptically

Goddamn, that's the most Rainbow Dash thing I've ever read.

"Ooh! Maybe she's Cozy's foalhood friend, or-or maybe she's Cozy's sister!" Pinkie supplies. "If one of my sisters were turned to stone, even for doing something super bad, I'd still try and help them."

Then explain Scorpan. He betrayed his brother for friendship and did nothing to free him. The dark price of friendship is betray those that are closer to you for strangers

"Do you plan on ever freeing her from?"

missing end remark. Add stone, prison, or some other appropriate noun.

"Why hat little-"


This is Great, such a fun read!

I think there's a difference between this and literally turning your brother in to the police.

Comment posted by illustriousmoo deleted Aug 17th, 2023

This is fire. this cozy redemption story is straight up my alley.

Its okay. A proper set up and premise. I can see this being a good opening to either a slice of life, or more conventional story. I hope you keep writing. Also

The guard nods and disappears back into his post, leaving Cozy to drag Green back inside and slam the door. "What the buck, Green Bean?!" she shouts as she reels on the smaller filly. "You've got your own guards, too?! What? Did you become Twilight's new patsy while I was stoned?" > Me? A patsy?" Green repeats, actually looking offended.

includes an extra >. Contact me if you want a proof reader.

I wonder how will Green Honest will react to learn that Cozy tells her that the one who got her Tirek, Chrysalis & Sombra together was Discord who disguise himself as The Father of Monsters, Grogar and falsely promise them to work together to defeat Twilight and her friends?

Will Cozy stay a filly all throughout this story?


Discord definitely still needs a butt whooping! :twilightangry2:


The filly looks at her limp wing, then up to her and shakes her head. "I'm done. Let's save everyone the trouble, you won't have to deal with me, and I won't have to live in a place that would rather bury their problems than solve with them, even when a kid's life is on the line."

"Anon, whatever you're thinking, you don't need to do it," Twilight says slowly.

"No I... I think I do," the filly replies tiredly, shoulders slumped before she manages to flash a small smile up at the princess. "At least I can go out knowing I gave a tyrant a real shiner. I hope someone down there has a camera to immortalize that black eye, and has the thought to snap the picture instead of gawking at a dead pony." Then she takes another step forward and begins to plummet, good wing held tight to her side while the injured one flaps about like a windsock.

Anon Fights Dirty.

"Regardless, it's legal, so I'm doing it."

That's a great quote, I hope to use it someday

You got to finish this story. It is too good!

Fluttershy looks away, and Pinkie slumps, smile wiped from her face. "Are... Are we the baddies this time?"

Twilight absently runs a hoof under her black eye and grumbles, "Fits pretty well, I'd say. You're a violent little thing."


Wow, this is actually pretty good, hopefully there is more, I assume green is a former human that reincarnated into a filly and was left at an orphan.

I'm loving it so far. Can't wait to see more.

So, is this Anon a human fan of the show who was transformed, or just an incredibly enlightened but regular foal?

>this isn't a M6 are evil and cozy is actually a good guy story
sure it isn't
it's just a story where an obvious self-insert mary-sues her way to victory by clowning on Twilight motherfucking Sparkle, admittedly in a more cerebral way than usual, but still
like, this is some fucking Banned From Equestria Daily-tier mary-suing
first time you've ever fully bombed the delivery, man
suspension of disbelief is so shot that no repair service will be able to fix it after the first fucking chapter.
fix this shit

Alright, alright, you've got my interest with this one.

it's too bad.
First. Twilight in this work is definitely OOC. Why the f*ck would she suddenly fall for such an open amateurish provocation of some petty trash? You are the sole monarch any word you say is subject to immediate execution. Just send this filly to her parents and forget about her. And so, not only did you undermine your authority, but also because of your idiocy, a small speculator returned to Equestria, who now also has a "smart" ally.
Second. This Anon is rushing on f*cking grand pianos, which are apparently hidden for him behind every bush. Some kind of "old law" that for some reason was not leveled by the constitution of the unified Equestria state. Also, a direct challenge to the decisions of the monarch can be interpreted as high treason. Therefore, the only way this filly could leave the hall is in shackles with a referral to a penal colony.
in general, I think that this story is not worthy of the praises that are sung to her in the comments.

Anonfilly story…? Weeeeee!

Anon, who's floating gently in Twilight's magic, smiles, her limp wing suddenly folding up easily against her side. "Insane? No. The winner of the duel? Oh yeah."

That’s cool as fuck. She won but wasn’t total domination mary sue like typical anonfilly.

Really digging the fight scence.

You should complement her for not hurting twilight too much. Some other anons would just blasted her with nitroglycerin like a psychopath.

It’s a fucking anonfilly….

Nonny should just teach Cozy how to got all benefits without responsibility.

Lifestyle paid by royal treasury but without royal duties.

The filly looks at her limp wing, then up to her and shakes her head. "I'm done. Let's save everyone the trouble, you won't have to deal with me, and I won't have to live in a place that would rather bury their problems than solve with them, even when a kid's life is on the line."

'solve with them' is improper grammar

I'm not saying it as a bad thing, I'm saying she put Twi in a lose / lose situation.

Comment posted by Mixmaster226 deleted Aug 17th, 2023

"Now that I'm thinking about it, potential parents looking to adopt might be worried about getting a foal from a place Cozy was raised at, too, making it harder for the other foals there to be adopted."

Funnily enough, Green Hornet is very similar to Cozy Glow.

You know with cozy redemption fics I always feel bad for tirek and chrysalis, because cozy get second chance because she a pony and young and they get left to rot without even a second thought

This was a pretty fun Fic, I would love to see more in this vein of content, Cozy always was an interesting character to me and this just shows the potential that they carry for a good story.

Only time will tell if the decision was truly right or wrong, though he thinks he might just be rooting for little Green's success, even if that means facing the uncomfortable possibility that the rulers he's sworn absolute loyalty to aren't as infallible as he wished.

Go girl, you can do it!

I for one also think Cozy Glow deserves more fics, and I loved how much logic punched Anon against Twilight and her friends

This is the goofiest thing I've read in awhile. I don't like Anon's character at all, I think she's an overpowered lil asshole, BUT I can see that this fic has potential and I'll be tracking it to see where you go with it.

Oh and please proofread! This fic is riddled with grammatical errors and I found it difficult to understand at times.

Well this is funny. Either anon is a real kid or another one of those anons is up for debate. It's kind of funny most folks forgot the twilight is a giant neurotic mess and can easily fall to tricks. Specially for someone who's read her book.

Great story! I particularly like how Anon essentially got Cozy out of stone with logic and smarts. Twilight really can't argue back against the points that she made. I can't wait for more!

This story has potential I'd like to see it continue

Definitely loving everything so far, so be proud of what you have done hope to see more but don't feel pressured by us. hers hoping for more!

I know what you mean, though I'm sure Anon is going to address this in conversation, probably with Cozy who will wonder why they helped her but not her friends. The difference between them and Cozy is that they're adults. More than adults, they're hundreds, if not thousands of years old. They've had a very long time to change their ways, and have chosen to remain on the path of villainy the entire time.
As far as Anon's concerned, they made the bed they're sleeping in, and it's not her responsibility to drag them out of it like a disgruntled parent trying to get their NEET adult children out of the house and get a job. Her real concern is basically what she said in the first chapter. Leaving them as stone is just kicking the can down the road. Eventually they'll get out and cause trouble, so they should be dealt with sooner rather than later, whether that's reforming them or killing them.

I've noticed some comments accusing the protag here of being a Mary Sue and overpowered, but literally her only power is some common sense, which admittedly is pretty strong in Equestria. She's the kind of person who, in a horror movie where the group of teens enters a haunted house, packs her bags and leaves as soon as the scares start happening instead of sticking around to be killed.

It honestly sounds like your version of Twilight is the OOC one. Why would Twilight ever have a filly shackled just for speaking out against her? Treason or not, she's not a mad tyrant. She doesn't like throwing her weight around and solving every disagreement with, "Well I'm the princess, so shut up!"
Twilight isn't evil, cruel, or arrogant. She just tries to do what she thinks is the right thing, and sometimes this leads her to make mistakes, like when she tried to steal that pearl from the seaponies.


Agree with you guys, and VERY disappointed at the high praise given to this work by some seemingly respected writers here. Have standards really slipped that much on Fimfiction while I was away? (Judging by the dubious 'quality' of some of the stuff that gets featured these days, I'm gonna have to say... yes ). :ajbemused:

Reread what I wrote better. I said that Twilight is OOC because she fell for such an undisguised provocation. This behavior is more typical of the boisterous Applejack or expressive Rainbow, but not the collected and calculating Twilight. I also said that it would be better for Twilight to give the filly to her PARENTS, and not to jail.
Also, please note that in this case, the use of royal power in favor of ignoring certain laws is not tyranny, as it benefits the country and the citizens who inhabit it.
The second part only stated the fact that Anonfilli directly opposed the royal authority of her country, which can be regarded as treason. However, the above punishment is more typical of our world than the "good" Equestria.
In any case. I have expressed my opinion. If you disagree with him, it's up to you.


I know what you mean, though I'm sure Anon is going to address this in conversation, probably with Cozy who will wonder why they helped her but not her friends. The difference between them and Cozy is that they're adults. More than adults, they're hundreds, if not thousands of years old. They've had a very long time to change their ways, and have chosen to remain on the path of villainy the entire time.
As far as Anon's concerned, they made the bed they're sleeping in, and it's not her responsibility to drag them out of it like a disgruntled parent trying to get their NEET adult children out of the house and get a job.

I think this is a totally reasonable view for Green to have herself. But I'd suggest that maybe later on, once the Mane Six have had time to think and realize what they did wrong, maybe they should decide on their own to give Tirek and Chrysalis a chance too? They are adults, sure, but the Mane Six have reformed adults, including 1000+ year old ones. I think they deserve a chance at least as much as Discord did, especially so considering Discord's involvement in not only the whole Season 9 fiasco, but their punishment too. All while Discord himself got off completely free for it. That feels like a big failure of justice to allow things to go down like that.

Green's stance feels alright because she's consistent. With the others though I still can't help but feel just leaving them to rot without trying to reform them would feel hypocritical.

That said, usually I prefer in fics addressing the finale for the canon characters to realize their mistakes on their own. But this fic has been fun so far and I've enjoyed it. So I'll keep an eye on it.

Hey look its me!
infact did it already!
It was hard but I did it!

"Regardless, there's nothing to worry about. I can handle a her just fine, and if I can't, well, I'll have you all there to help me. If three of Equestria's worst villains couldn't beat us, this one filly won't be able to."


while that true, discord was also a adult but he got a second chance, and they look the other way every time he slipped back into being a villain, and he was the mastermind behind the last diaster, in the first place, so the circumstances should give them a chance at least, if for no reason other then to prevent future trouble as anon pointed out earlier they not stay stone forever

I think this is the only fanfic that has filly anon be an actual legit child instead of some rando grown@$$ man trapped in a little girls body.

Kudos to you!

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