I'm back · 12:37am Oct 8th, 2014
Nothing to important, other than the fact that I have returned, and am in the process of updating "The Night Claims a Rainbow".
I love you all, and I hope you forgive me for disappearing for so long. Also, I am in the search for a long period proofreader/editor on my stories, message me if you'd like to help ^~^ (Especially on "For Love and Nothing More", I would truly love any help I can get to make that the gem it should be :3 )
Thank you for the favorite on Luna Wakes up to Marehood. I hope you really enjoy and if you do drop an upvote and if you leave your thoughts in the comments; I'll reply.
If you're interested in other stuff by me, check out Bone Daddy, as it is in the same vein. Through it is also under rewrites and expect to see those soon.
Maybe come out and hang out on discord if you want.
Thank you again,
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for the fav on Friendship is Grievous! I'd appreciate it if you'd like and leave me some feedback in the comments!
Thank you very much for the Fav, Equisexual
May your arrow stay true!... ?
Thank you, for the fav on Legacy! Always appreciated