It's been three years, but us three Crusaders are finally comin' home. I've been lookin' forward to this forever, so why'm I feelin' like my stomach's all aflutter?
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are celebrating the anniversary of their decision to form a polycule. However, when Sweetie Belle loses her gift to Scootaloo on their way back to the old clubhouse -- she’s left with a tough decision on what to do next.
We Are a TrioThe CMC have not-so-platonic Hearts and Hooves Day plans for each niightear
4,052 words
· 106 · 5
Just Some ScootabelleJust some Scootabelle shipping that takes place in my Rainbowverse Next Gen when the CMCs are still niightear
1,792 words
· 7 · 3
Thanks for the fave.
Thank you so much for the follow!
And thank you for checking My Dearest Twilight and So Many Wonders.
Thank you for your interest in my story, Ladybygs Awake!
Glad you liked my story!
Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!
The voice of her conscious, or maybe the start of multiple personality disorder???
Good stuff i'll be watching for more.
Srsly, if you want it, I have a OC foxxo, and I can help a bit, apparently I can write very cute things
A, ok