• Member Since 14th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen July 15th


An autistic, introverted technicolored talking horse mostly here to read horse words. A tragedian who writes comedy.

Blog Posts

  • 23 weeks
    Having no drive or ability to get words down sucks.

    Imagine actually having something almost entirely worked out about a zombie AU over a year and a half but then the infection AU trend fires off and now if you were to actually post it, it'd just feel like it's for the sake of chasing a trend.

    1 comments · 35 views
  • 63 weeks
    Fun fact: I technically have shortfics 'ready' but am kinda stuck.

    I don't write often---what a shock, ammirite---but over the past like, year or so I have written some short, slice of life sorta scenarios involving G5. Three, to be exact that I feel are more or less complete in their own isolation.

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    3 comments · 101 views
  • 90 weeks
    "Where's that story you mentioned 'bout GlimGlam?"

    3.4 months've passed since my first and previous blog post, and a scant few of you may've been interested enough to wonder what that's all about. I mentioned having a lot worked out for it, but I've not posted anything, what gives?

    Well, a variety of things, honestly and most've them're entirely my own fault.

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    1 comments · 93 views
  • 105 weeks
    Might make a story already

    I've only had this account for a few days, and yet already, i have an idea for a fimfic, should anyone care for it.

    Well, to be facetious, i actually have a lot of ideas, but this one, i had a couple hours ago.

    This one, i believe would fall under the categories of drama, dark and potentially horror, and be about Starlight Glimmer inadvertently attracting the attention of an entity that's best left alone, but now it has her in its sights.

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    1 comments · 94 views

Having no drive or ability to get words down sucks. · 4:12am February 10th

Imagine actually having something almost entirely worked out about a zombie AU over a year and a half but then the infection AU trend fires off and now if you were to actually post it, it'd just feel like it's for the sake of chasing a trend.

Report Shrupone · 35 views ·
Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

Been off for a few days, didn't know you said something, sorry.

I'm pretty sure it was because i was waitin' on any fic you might write since that was the blog i'd seen and mentioned on your profile.

Zesty... that name makes me want some orange juice for some reason.

Anyways, why are you following me :rainbowhuh:? I'm such a nerd :rainbowlaugh:

Also, hi!

Comment posted by Hyper Star deleted Sep 23rd, 2023

I just thought'a something dumb but amused me.

ZippXMisty shipping could be called Zesty since Zipp's real name is Zephyrina.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34
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